Greater Things Are Yet To Come.... Little did we know that some of - TopicsExpress


Greater Things Are Yet To Come.... Little did we know that some of those things were right around the corner! Some of them have been happening within the last 48 hours. We are in awe of what God is doing. Most of you know that Micah has been progressing beautifully at CHKD. Also, for the last 2 weeks, he has been communicating with his thumb 100% accurately. He is learning to work the computer, Accent 1200 PRC, with his eyes. Not till I tried it myself grew my respect for Micah!!!!!! He is more accurate than I am! It is hard!!! I admitted and Micah just laughed. This is not it, tho!! Are you all ready for an even Greater Thing? Ok, here it is! On Friday, I put Micah to bed and routinely asked him if he was comfortable. This time, he didnt answer with his thumb, he verbally said, Yes! Immediately, my whole body felt like it had been hit by a lightening!!! There are no words to describe the emotions. I got all the nurses and they were beside themselves! It has been a competition among them whose name Micah will say first. Well, later that evening when I went back to Micah, Jen, the nurse, asked me if I heard her scream all the way to Ronald McDonald? She told me that Micah said Bye Jen when she left the room! After that there was no stopping him! I sat on Micahs bed and told him how excited Sophia and I were for him. I said, Micah, Jesus is sooooooo close to you! Micah looked at me and answered, I know! Well, after that there was no stopping me!!!! Here are some of the things he said: -me: do you hear The Lords voice? -Micah: yes -me: will you one day tell us everything about it? -Micah: yes -me: can I record you and share with all the people that have been praying for you! -Micah: sure ( not yes ) -me: whats liannas sisters name? -Micah: mariah -me: whats your brothers name? -Micah: joiah ( he cant say s yet) -me: can you blow a kiss to Sophia? -Micah: he formed his lips into a kiss and blew it to her!!!! -me: were you just rubbing your nose purposefully because of an itch? -Micah: yes ( he had taken his pointer finger and thumb, turned his head and rubbed his nose!!) -me: can you say bye mom? -Micah: bye mom! Our friend, Matt Garrison, said it right, its unbelievable, yet its believable because God can do anything! God dispenses HIS goodness not with an eyedropper but a fire hydrant. We simply cant contain it all. Max L. Needless to say, we are filled with so much hope. Shawn and Josiah are going back to Micah. Sophia and I had a good week together. Although, she barely passed the bootcamp!! Lol! The doctor started feeding Micah through the G-tube only. He has been throwing up again since. Shawn will meet with the doctors tomorrow to discuss the options. Also, when Micah is in the wheelchair he cant talk. He tries yet can only mouth it. I asked him if it was easier for him in bed? He said yes. Back in bed, Micah was able to speak with sound again! We are excited and cant wait to see whats next!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:51:28 +0000

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