Greater love has no man than this, That one lay down his life for - TopicsExpress


Greater love has no man than this, That one lay down his life for his friends. John 15;13 NIV. Touched with a love so pure, So true, My own poverty is revealed. Our Daily Bread. Waiting . . . Read: Psalm 130 Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. —Romans 12:12 Bible in a Year: Judges 4-6; Luke 4:31-44 Day after day for years Harry shared with the Lord his concern for his son-in-law John who had turned away from God. But then Harry died. A few months later, John turned back to God. When his mother-in-law Marsha told him that Harry had been praying for him every day, John replied, “I waited too long.” But Marsha joyfully shared: “The Lord is still answering the prayers Harry prayed during his earthly life.” Harry’s story is an encouragement to us who pray and wait. He continued “steadfastly in prayer” and waited patiently (Rom. 12:12). The author of Psalm 130 experienced waiting in prayer. He said, “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits” (v.5). He found hope in God because he knew that “with the LORD there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption” (v.7). Author Samuel Enyia wrote about God’s timing: “God does not depend on our time. Our time is chronological and linear but God . . . is timeless. He will act at the fullness of His time. Our prayer . . . may not necessarily rush God into action, but . . . places us before Him in fellowship.” What a privilege we have to fellowship with God in prayer and to wait for the answer in the fullness of His time. Pray on! Pray on! Cease not to pray, And should the answer tarry, wait; Isn’t There Some Misunderstanding? March 28, 2014 ’Let us go to Judea again.’ The disciples said to Him, ’. . . are You going there again?’ —John 11:7-8 Just because I don’t understand what Jesus Christ says, I have no right to determine that He must be mistaken in what He says. That is a dangerous view, and it is never right to think that my obedience to God’s directive will bring dishonor to Jesus. The only thing that will bring dishonor is not obeying Him. To put my view of His honor ahead of what He is plainly guiding me to do is never right, even though it may come from a real desire to prevent Him from being put to an open shame. I know when the instructions have come from God because of their quiet persistence. But when I begin to weigh the pros and cons, and doubt and debate enter into my mind, I am bringing in an element that is not of God. This will only result in my concluding that His instructions to me were not right. Many of us are faithful to our ideas about Jesus Christ, but how many of us are faithful to Jesus Himself? Faithfulness to Jesus means that I must step out even when and where I can’t see anything (see Matthew 14:29). But faithfulness to my own ideas means that I first clear the way mentally. Faith, however, is not intellectual understanding; faith is a deliberate commitment to the Person of Jesus Christ, even when I can’t see the way ahead. Are you debating whether you should take a step of faith in Jesus, or whether you should wait until you can clearly see how to do what He has asked? Simply obey Him with unrestrained joy. When He tells you something and you begin to debate, it is because you have a misunderstanding of what honors Him and what doesn’t. Are you faithful to Jesus, or faithful to your ideas about Him? Are you faithful to what He says, or are you trying to compromise His words with thoughts that never came from Him? “Whatever He says to you, do it ” (John 2:5).
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:02:35 +0000

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