Greatness and legacy are reserved for those who will do and - TopicsExpress


Greatness and legacy are reserved for those who will do and overcome hard. Like Les Brown says life is hard. Its character building when you GROW through tough times while keeping a smile on your face. Its character building when youve got some issues, youve lost a loved one, someone in your family isnt doing well, immediate family may leave the earth soon, the person you (think or thought) you loved is showing some true character that is not in alignment with where youre headed, etc, etc...We all have reasons why life is hard. Ive learned that even when life is hard,the human tendency or fleshly tendency is to retreat,curl up and play the why is this happening to me game? (Yes, we all been there) Yet, to see that at that moment, its a grand opportunity to put that all aside and continue to be there for someone else as some great act of service. To give of your love because you know its there. All great leaders that I know (even personally) dont mention or air these things for all to see, yet behind the scenes they are sowing into other peoples lives while hurting. Were like plow horses, we know the mission, we believe in the purpose of why were here, and we trust that the greater plan is for the greater good. If youve never read the way nature unfolds with an Eagle, its fascinating. Eagles go through periods of time for renewal, by plucking out their feathers (lets be clear, for humans, we dont go pulling our hair out either lol.) This is a painful process for them, but they know, its required and by the natural law of life, they trust the process. So like growth, everything is what our Creator would have us learn. We make mistakes, we say the wrong thing, we fall down, we fall short, but that is no surprise to God and He loves us anyway. The point Im wanting to make is this: Your life, my life, is not ours. Were not here to accumulate things. Were here to give and bless no matter what. Were here to raise a generation to be mindful, conscious, aware, and to be an example to break generational curses (of how things used to be). Only the courageous will blaze a trail without public complaint. I am courageous. I choose to be. Im a woman. I am emotional. I am expressive. I am adventure. I am without fear because I am reminded 365 times in Gods Word, I do not fear or be discouraged, for God is with me. Go change the world. Give life! My greatest JOY while Im hurting is to offer my love and belief to another human being, that this journey, this process, is worth it! Like a flower that grows and blooms, so is our life that blooms and blossoms through maturity and development. The greatest blessings in my life have come as a result of decision to helping others, while trusting, that what I need will be provided. #ThankYouHerbalife #PersonalDevelopment #Growth Thank you for reading my: Lessons Learned In Life.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:09:32 +0000

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