Green Energy Economic Viability IS About Real Estate - TopicsExpress


Green Energy Economic Viability IS About Real Estate & What The Masses ARE Willing To Pay For If Renewable Energy was directly able to compete with fossil fuel, it would be the norm for new power plants in California after the energy debacle of 2000. To change over from fossil fuel to Renewables requires a long transition time or the maker of Renewables will go bankrupt, because the capacity for production of collectors will have no value. The 1st World Economy needs cheep reliable energy 24/7/365 on demand. The demand isn’t level. Except for Hydro-electric dams the versatility isn’t there. The other forms have the problem of storage to meet peak power demands. Batteries operate in self-destruct mode working towards toxic waste. Unlike present grid power the majority of the cost is front loaded for Renewables. Energy to make the infrastructure is the primary cost. When environmentalist write the equation for economic viability for Sustainable living they rarely include the cost of capital or the cost of land. They also imply that this infrastructure can be installed anywhere. Since Renewable Energy isn’t the norm, I’ve come to the conclusion, that one has to design the infrastructure supply to create Sell-able Spin-off Benefits the masses are willing to pay a premium for to subsidize it. Finite Element Analysis is required to do the due diligent to set the transition rate from fossil fuel to Renewable Energy & to determine the size requirement for economics of scale. 1st one has to ask what the masses are willing to pay for in an Entitlement World. The answer has to be based on categories. If one doesn’t answer this by category each person will answer differently. This will make designing sell-able spin-off benefits more difficult in the total system due to lack of focus. For those that believe in Man Made Global Warming & that we are Past Peak Oil need to define away to change the economics of Renewable Energy, or like Spain it will Bankrupt Governments. I have given a little time for others to come up with their own answers, because with more categories there are designable items to create sources of revenue & jobs. My categories are comfort / connivance, recreation, & prestige. Now, one has to ask how & where the ingredients are going to be arranged. This could have wide ranging implications even to illegal immigration. My design is based on using more energy for the benefit of all concerned including the 3rd world. Without consuming a tremendous amount of energy there will not be sell-spin-off benefits. My solution isn’t creating any new technology nor does it preclude it. I’m simply re-arranging the ingredients. My problem is it is too large.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 23:48:07 +0000

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