Greeting and Thank You Abba, Father God; for this blessed - TopicsExpress


Greeting and Thank You Abba, Father God; for this blessed good-morning. We thank You for Your grace, mercies, goodness and continued faithfulness in Our lives. Most of all; We thank You for Your love, Your peace and Your power. Father thank You for all that You have done and all that You will yet do. Father as We face this day; may We go through knowing that You are Our God and are always with Us. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for Us. Thank You Father for this great sacrifice. Thank You for giving Us more than enough and for doing more than enough for Us, in Us, and through Us ALWAYS. Thank You Father for loving Us so much and for causing Your love, light and Your favor to manifest in and through Us. Father You are Awesome and there is no other God but YOU and We give You All Our love, praise and worship.. Father; Thank You for this beautiful day to offer up prayer for others need. Lord We lift uP Our Families, Lovedones, The Youths, Our Churches; my Church and Pastors @☛Shepherd Of The Hills Campuses, Our Life Group Bible Study Members, Friends, Face Book and Others, before You Lord; for Your guidance and protection to Your throne for Your blessings and mercies according to Your will; as we travel along lifes journey leading Us to You. Lord may Our lives be full of Your peace, prosperity and power to have a personal and closer relationship with You, Abba Father God. Thank You Father that We can walk in the freedom You have provided through Your Sons death and resurrection, We have the victory and can draw closer to You for the veil has been torn. Father We lift up in prayer; families that are hurting in so many different ways for Your handling. Father God We take authority over the attacks that are coming against the unity of marriage, Our Youths, for safety, and stability of families today. Father We bind up where the enemy is trying to divide households today. Father we plead the blood of Jesus over every household and every family member represented by those that are reading this prayer right now. Help them Lord. Heal Their brokenness. Minister to them. We pray for Restoration, peace and unity in families. Help Us Lord as We trust fully and completely in You to lay down Our sins and pick up Your purpose. Help Us Father to fulfill the purpose You created Us for. Father thank You for this opportunity to say We love You. To say thank You. To exalt Your name and to Live Out Loud (LOL) for You. Thank You for leading Us. Thank You for guiding Us. Thank You for shielding Us and thank You for protecting Us. We love You Lord. We praise You We magnify and glorify Your holy Name. Father We need You Lord; help Usto let the Light of Your Son shine in and through this land again!. We are living in a time of great trials and acts of devastation . Your presents are needed now more than ever. REMEMBERING Your promise in 2 Chronicles 7: 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there. Lord touch Us; the Church to humbly seek Your face, that You may revive Nations to do Your will. We pray for the Leaders who are shaping the Governments, to use godly principles and for You Abba, Father God to reign supreme again and for countless other Prayer Warriors will continue to Pray for REVIVAL of hearts to change. Lord enrich Our prayer life as You intercede for Our heritage and Our future. We pray for Pastors, Missionaries near and far sharing Your Gospel. For God Health and a cure for all that is not of You Lord; the Economy, for Our Children and Youths, Our Educational System, For National protection, For the Military And so many Others! Father God, Revive hearts Lord to LOVE You more daily and to love others as You first loved Us. We lift up all the Prayer requests not mentioned and unspoken concerns of others; to You for handling; Lord We stand with all those who desire to be MORE than CONQUERORS today and We ask You to please, kindle afresh in each of Us the desire to stand up and be counted with You. Thank You for being faithful to fulfill the plans and purposes and for the work You have started in Our lives who have surrender ALL to Your Son; Jesus the forerunner and granting Us multiplied grace and mercy to go forth as You sent Him. Lord, help Us to be BOLD witnesses for You as We take Your message of Salvation, PEACE and LOVE to the darkest parts of this world. We praise and give You thanks Father God, for the Bible teaching Us all to wait on You as You works out all the roadblocks facing Us. Thank You for the Cross such a Great sacrifice of Your Only Son to pay for OUR sins; a debt He did not owe; that We may have Eternal life with You. HALLELUYAH! Thank You Father for hearing Our prayer, We pray; in the precious, Wonderful and holy Name of Jesus. AMEN!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:02:20 +0000

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