Greetings FB and happy Sunday to everyone today I pray you will - TopicsExpress


Greetings FB and happy Sunday to everyone today I pray you will take an opportunity to worship and fellowship at a church of your choice. Perhaps you will extend an invitation to someone to experience God through worship and fellowship. I thank God for bringing us to the start of a new week. It is my hope for you this week to experience God by possessing what God has promised. One reason many of Gods people are cheated out of their inheritance is: because they do not know what belongs to them, They are unfamiliar with what God has promised. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: Allow the message to encourage you to take possession of what God has promised all of us. It is yours because God purchased it with His blood.”Possessing the Promises of God” Josh 18:3 And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you? As the children of Israel begin to possess their inherited land there are seven tribes who failed to take possession of what God had promised them. It is clear to Joshua the land belong to them and was perplexed as to why had they fail to move in faith an occupy their inheritance, therefore Joshua sternly questions them regarding their land. Joshua asked how long were they going to hang back, and put off, possessing their inheritance. How long were they going to be lazy, self preserving, fearful, and unwilling to engage the enemy and take their land. Joshua’s questions were relevant then and remain relevant September 08, 2013, because The same problem exists in the church today! There are many of Gods people who are living sub standard lives because they haven’t taken hold of the promises of God. Joshua wants to know; how long will you hold the deed to a land the enemy occupies? Understand when the bible says they had not received their inheritance, what it actually means is they had failed to drive the enemy out. It was evident and fact the land belonged to the children of Israel by right of inheritance, by promise, from God, was inhabited and dominated by their enemies who opposed their right to the land. To posses their inheritance meant they had to repossess the land from the enemy. Allow me to lay out this parallel for why the children of Israel fail to possess the promise of God, and why it occurs in the church today. #1 The land had been given to them by God #2 It was their responsibility to do whatever they had to do in order to take possession of it. By inheritance the land belonged to them, They were Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. #2 They must forcibly take possession experientially of what was theirs legally. #3 They were slack to take possession of what was theirs. But as it was then, it is today, there are enemies to us possessing our inheritance and we must be willing to fight for what is legally ours. Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. There are two reasons why the church today does not possess the promises of God. Many of Gods people are cheated out of their inheritance is: because they do not know what belongs to them, they are unfamiliar with the word of God. Another reason is: we are just plain lazy, unwilling to have to fight for it. Here is the hope for living in the message: The word of God is rich with Gods promises toward the children of God. We are also by faith the seed of Abraham, and we are heirs to the blessing of Abraham. That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Many Christians would rather live a low level mediocre self preserving life, and do without their rights and privileges as Sons and Daughters of God than have to engage the enemy in spiritual warfare. And instead of admitting we don’t have it because we’re not willing to fight for it. We say things that make us feel better about ourselves, (in other words we say things that make it sound like it’s not for us here anyway, and it’s all waiting for us in heaven). Songs like this: On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand and cast a wistful eye, to Caanans fair and happy land where my possessions lie. This is unscriptural: Our possessions are not over in heaven waiting for us to die so we can go over there and get them. Our possessions are in Christ, waiting for us to rise up in faith, and drive out every enemy of our promises and take possession of what belongs to us through the redemptive work that God wrought in Christ Jesus. We need a clear vision of that which is ours in Christ, (Our inheritance) Our rights and privileges as Sons and Daughters of God. The devil knows if the believer ever finds out who they are and starts to fight; they will win because he knows he is already defeated by the finished work of Jesus. The truth is our inheritance came to us through Jesus death and he willed it to us, and it’s for right here right now. We don’t need money when we get to heaven, we need it now! We don’t need healing when we get to heaven, we need it now! We don’t need power over the devil when we get to heaven we need it now! Here is where I must close: The question is not whether or not it belongs to you, No the question is the same as that which was asked by Joshua: How long are you going to be slack concerning the promises of God, to take possession of that which God has already given you. How long are you going to let the devil cheat you out of what belongs to you? Jesus paid for it with his blood, it belongs to you but you will have to fight for it. It’s time to stake your claim and BE BLESSED!!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 13:03:48 +0000

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