Greetings Paul: perhaps you could pass this on to Kevin as well? - TopicsExpress


Greetings Paul: perhaps you could pass this on to Kevin as well? This request is being sent out to family and friends in the hopes that some of you could donate something to help in the costly fees associated with the rigorous attempt at defense required to prove that I am innocent of the absurd, outrageous and horribly false charges of the students who accused myself. (for those of you who may not know about this already, you can just google my name matthew deryan and a handful of articles will pop up. *(Just understand that the stories you will read are based are totally false, as is what the media is reporting. Some of the ridiculous stories go as follows: he said he was going to slash my throat; He said he was going to kick me in the balls; He picked me up and launched me into the air and slammed me against the door; he was drinking cans of beer in the classroom and I saw 3 cans of empty beer; he was swallowing pain pills, he kicked me; he slapped me and on and on it goes.). This is a high profile case and when one is accused of assaulting a dozen 12 year olds in a classroom and holding the rest hostage, the jeopardy of being maliciously prosecuted and falsely found guilty is a personal anguish that has consumed my every thought--day and night. For those who may decide to pitch in whatever they can, please do so by Contacting Investigator Erin Jenkins. His contact information is: Confidential Investigations, 8251 Cornerstone drive, Hayden, Idaho 83835. Office: 208 762 5767; Cell: 208 659 3986.....and he is available if you have any questions. I am seeking to hire him to investigate each and every false accusation of the students, and it is a very detailed task at that. However, he needs much more money than I can afford after my first installment, and the idea is that if enough people can donate 30, 50-100 dollars even--then he can begin the task of aggressively investigating these students backgrounds and story lines, and getting the other professionals needed involved now, without any further delay! I have been assigned a Public Defender, but such is usually not adequate--especially in a high profile case like this. (And the Deputy assigned to prosecute me recommended an additional 18 more felonies plus 10 more assault charges be added---and so they are trying to make it impossible for me to adequately defend myself without hiring additional experts and investigators. As it is now, I can expect to wait 1 year, a year and a half or even two--before trial. Public Defenders have many other cases they have to focus on --at the same time---typically 35-40 different cases at once. Obviously I lost my job, and with these Felony and Misdemeanor charges on my current record, there is literally no way I can get a job until all this is over. I have been living with my mother since mid January, and am grateful for that! she has been a good support emotionally too. I am confident that I will be acquitted, but getting to that point requires that no stone is left unturned. It will be costly to hire the necessary Team to defend myself correctly. Forensic experts must be hired; psychologists, and other experts so as to impeach the students false accusations. I cannot take any risk in not being correctly defended because the consequences are so severe---a lot of time in prison---as a falsely accused and wrongfully convicted child abuser. We all know that those kind of people are the lowest of the low in prison system. So, I have reason to be very concerned. Thankfully, my strong faith in God is keeping me balanced as best as possible, but this crisis and cross I must carry---takes a terrible toll and anguish is an appropriate word to describe the feeling in my mind and soul -daily. My heart goes out to all the countless people in prison who are wrongfully convicted. For me, it hits home personally. The criminal justice system is very flawed, as are the ways the police investigate cases --such as this one-too! Before all of this happened, I was the Substitute Teacher called most often to this particular school, but the school is not going to defend me because I am not a contracted teacher; nor did I belong to a teachers union, and the school district is more concerned about their reputation. Below are some notes I have written that underscore how necessary a good defense case is implemented. These notes are from books I have read by experts in this field. Please consider making a love offering, and please do keep me in prayer. Its a long uphill battle I am in, and I am in a certain anguish. --According to the National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect, of 1 million confirmed reports, approximately 71% were unfounded and false. Of these, about 2/3 to 3/4 of all good-faith, but unfounded reports of child abuse and neglect are the result of improper interview techniques, confirmatory bias, source misattributions, and delusional accusers. --Dean Tong recommends that all electronically recorded child interviews, audio or video or transcripts, be sent for Forensic analysis. In other words, all documented child interviews should be analyzed for the presence or absence of open-ended questions, leading or suggestive questions, reinforced behavior, etc. (Dean Tong, Elusive Innocence page 146). --***Trying and litigating false cases is not taught in law school, and so outside experts are required in cases of false accusations. If the defendant presents some evidence that the childs statements were the product of suggestive or coercive interview techniques, then the prosecution must demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence at a pretrial taint hearing that, considering the totality of the circumstances surrounding the interviews, the statements or testimony retain a degree of reliability sufficient to outweigh the effects of the improper interview techniques. if the Prosecution fails to satisfy this burden, then the court must excluded the childs testimony, as well as his or her prior statements alleging abuse. (Dean Tong, Elusive Innocence. page 148) -Have your own expert examine all findings. always demand raw data of psychological tests as well as written reports. (Dean Tong, Elusive Innocence, page 150). -The experts (for the defense) should educate your attorney with respect to science and psychology consistent with abuse accusations, and provide the court with publications that can be admissible under Learned Treatise or via the court taking judicial notice. (Dean Tong, Elusive Innocence, page 151). -- Defense should strongly consider retaining an expert in cognitive child developmental psychology (suggestibility and memory) to critique the childs abuse disclosure and overall case forensics. (Dean Tong) -an expert may aid a jury in assessing the veracity of a victim of child abuse without usurping their exclusive function by generally testifying about a childs ability to separate truth from fantasy.--Dean Tong. (this cited from a Supreme court decision Tingle VS State) -Retain an independent forensic pediatrician to refute consistent with findings. (Dean tong) -Consider the need of a consultant to help your attorney assess case strategy. (Dean tong) -file “Motions of in Limine” to stop potential unscientific methods/evidence. (Dean tong)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:19:45 +0000

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