Greetings all, As we move toward the launch date for the - TopicsExpress


Greetings all, As we move toward the launch date for the BlackCoin Music Video, I wanted to say a few words about the launch-pad, NightBark Music. It came into existence nearly a decade ago, as a record label. At the time, I was working primarily in music and my intention was to further my aims in that field. Life took a different turn and NightBark was laid aside. Its time had not come yet. But now it has, in a radically different context from what I originally intended or could have envisioned. Like any new brand, it has needed a good deal of thought about the vision behind it, the mission if you will. The world doesnt need just another random-ass record label, and as a marketer I know that specificity is king: what is going to make you stand out, what do you stand for, what ARE you, really? The BlackCoin project has been a huge catalyst in coming to this sense of specificity. The full mission-statement as it appears on the YouTube channel is currently this: Nightbark Music is about busting boundaries through art. We uncover cultural gems as well as produce them -- rare, exotic, underground or otherwise hidden works of human spirit, which through content and context serve this aim: One world, One heart. We openly support the cryptocurrency revolution and the soulful application of emerging technology. The keyword list, so far, is: humanity, unity, art, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blackcoin, transcendence, freedom, beauty, brotherhood, love, equality, global, cross-cultural, world Id very much like to hear anyones suggestions for more keywords or thoughts in the same spirit as the above. A word about the first videos already going up: I decided to begin with the unique footage from the North Korean performances for several reasons. In addition to being very beautiful, they represent an extremely rare moment in cultural history, when an American orchestra - among the oldest and greatest in this country - overcame all political and diplomatic obstacles to travel to the shores of one of our most hated enemies, to be welcomed there and give a series of concerts, broadcast on their own national television as well as to the entire world. It was hoped that this cultural bridge would bring about a change and begin a period of more friendly and cooperative relations. Did it succeed? Most would say no. In the months and years that followed, the two countries quickly returned to the usual state of enmity. But in truth, we really cant know. Perhaps a seed was planted. At very least, it allowed individuals who were there to experience one another in a space of common humanity and mutual generosity, rather than as monsters from outer space reported in the evening news. And it created a symbolic moment in front of the entire world. Perhaps it did achieve something, to open a small crack through which bigger things may come in some future time. We do not know. When the BlackCoin Music Video launches from NightBark, the bigger picture and intention behind cryptocurrency will be there, giving it a wider sense of meaning and significance beyond mere entertainment. Although it is also VERY entertaining, and that is good! Cryptocurrency has likewise opened a crack through which tremendous forces of change may come. And we wont know for some time what those changes will be. But it looks good - and the crack is getting wider every day. So please contribute your thoughts and ideas, whether in reply on this thread or pm to me. And by all means please support the @NightBarkMusic tweets and the YouTube channel at with retweet, channel subscribes, likes and shares. Many thanks.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:30:58 +0000

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