Greetings to u all. Well, its been a busy day for all of us, ja - TopicsExpress


Greetings to u all. Well, its been a busy day for all of us, ja ne! Some are from church .....praising the good Lord, thanking Him for what He has done for us, asking for blessing and well, for all the reasons we go to church for, the list is endless. And some are from work. Now there is only one reason we leave the comfort of our HOMES to go to work ........ MONEY! That, ladies and gentlemen, we really need, .....and in abundance! The question is, are u getting it? At this point in yo life, are yu able to do the things yu really want to in yo life? when will yu, if ever? Are yu enjoying the food yu really want? Are yo kids going to the skuls yu really want them to? Are yu having enough quality time with yo family? Yo HOME, where yu are living right now, is it yo dream home? Are yu satisfied with the life yu are living? Ladies and gentlemen its about time yu have a meeting with yoself, and go deep asking these questions. Now dont get me wrong, lm no saint and and l not immune to all these things, but lve made a choice, a choice that will change my life and my kids future fo eva ,,,,guaranteed. A choice that yu as well can make. A choice that can make yu go down the book of history as the millionaire who changed other pples lives. Make that choice, join GREEN WORLD. Like what l mentioned in my previous post, Green World is a MULTILEVEL NETWORK MARKETING company. Now it is important that yu understant that Network Marketing is something that we as a pple been doing for ages and for FREE. Ok, imagine for how long and how many pple yu told there is a sale at Edgars, that there is a new shop opening and they want new staff, well the list is endless.But who paid yu fo that? Noone. Now Green World says do the very same thing and this time they pay yu fo it. Easy cheese! Yes, there are many network marketing companies out there, but Green World is one of the best yu can eva find and this is WHY ......... Firstly, we have the PRODUCT. Our products are so 100% NATURAL AND ORGANIC. There are no fertilizers or chemicals used when growing the plants, they just grow naturally. I kno where eva yu are right now, there is somebody who is using our products, what l am telling yu at this point in time is our products really do what they are supposed to do. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTISES explains there are no additives or colourants put on the final product which means there wont be any SIDE EFFECTS after taking our products. If ever there is some kind of reaction after consuming our products it will be an ALLERGY REACTION which will then show that yo immune system is compromised and therefore yu will need our products even mo to boost yo immune system.It is also important to understand that our prdcts are WORLD PROVEN,that is organisations such as WHO, UNESCO, FAO, FDA etc have checked and tested and proved our prdcts are safe for human consumption check world-food We have 8 RESEARCH & DISTRIBUTION CENTERS, 4 in the US(Michigan) and 4 in China(Tainjin) where they research and study mo about the human anatomy. Now in as much as new diseases are coming thru every year, & some getting resistant to medication, our RESEARCH CENTERS in the U.S and in China are also ushering in new products now and then to counter that. So we always a step ahead. And because yu will neva find our products being advertised on T.v, billboards or any other form of medea OR even on shelves in Clicks Stores or any other medical facilities, it means they are AFFORDABLE. The company saw that if they were to use the MIDDLEMEN then by the time the product reaches u it will far expensive. Therefore our products are straight from the manufacturer to you, the consumer. So our products are not cheap neither are they expensive which means anybody can afford to buy. And on that note, it is imperative to kno that Green World is so International, that in Africa only, it is in mo than 30 nations so you can access it anywhere. Secondly, our COMPENSATION PLAN is second to none. With a low joining fee of only R120 (R.S.A)*..., yu will find yoself in partnership with such an International Multibillionaire Company. Having said that, there are no risks here,.... or are there? R120? Ok, l want yu to understand that imediately on joining with yo precious R120, yu will be entitled to a 20% DICOUNT on anything you will buy over the counter at any OFFICIAL* GREEN WORLD shop Internationally! That, ladies and gentlemen, means, if ever someone who is not a member of Green World is in need of our prdcts, you can sell to that person at a 20% PROFIT. We are now in business already, arent we? Not only do you get that, you also as a member get a STARTER KIT, and in it yu will find all the information about the COMPANY PROFILE, the products and how they can help yu, compensation plan, all the MARKETING STRATEGIES to succed in running yo business, everything xplained in mo detail ....... something worth mo than R120. Who is risking now? At Green World we get paid to the highest levels ___ up to 60% ___mo than the company itself!!! IMPOSSIBLE?? Read again chief!! Remember this is a business of referal and l xplained there is no Middleman at Green World .... simply put, all the money which was meant for T.v, radio, billboards, sales reps etc, comes direct top yu!! Yes, thats the power of NETWORK MARKETING baba!!!! Understand this, we have an ACCUMULATIVE POINTS (BVs) system at Green World, meaning every product yu buy attached to it are points and these points are ever accummulating. And with the same points yu get to reach certain RANKS. And now, since these points are always adding up, ....good news is ..... there is no DEMOTIONS in ranks, meaning our points NEVER LAPSE!! ....What?? Yes thats right, they dont lapse!! I know, you have heard of networks that tell pple to acquire certain number of points within a given period of time, and if you dont beat that target then the next wk, month or year your points are forfited meaning you will start from zero!! How sad!! At Green World its forward eva, backwards neva, baba! And here ladies and gentlemen, thats where we beat them all!! On top of all this, the company offers yu free training if yu reach a certain rank (4 Star), that is, if yu want to be like me or beta. Did l just say FREE?? These trainings are conducted at PARKTOWN (JHB) which is the HEADQUARTERS for the whole of Africa, and if yu are not from Jhb, there is hotel accomodation provided and during the course of training,,,,,, good pple the company feeds yu!!! Well, alot of things are for free at Green WORLD, as yu shall soon discover ____, including this same PRESENTATION lm doing right now!! Now, yu might want mo light on all this bcoz yu are the THOMAS from the bible, no problem ...., join us for our EVERYDAY presentations at PONTE CITY (JHB) 10 am to 11 am and then from 5pm to 6pm and witness the GREAT TEAM revolution!! Alternatively yu may attend on ay of these shops : YEOVILLE, KERK & TROY streets( JHB C.B.D), RANDBURG, GERMISTON, WINDSOR, TEMBISA, DIEPSLOOT, MPUMALANGA, PRETORIA and the rest of the world whereva there is Green World And which brings me to yet mo good news ......yu have a chance to open yo own SPECIALITY SHOP (DISTRIBUTION CENTER) where eva yu are if there is no Green World Shop that is if yu reach 6 Star status!! We talking of a franchise here ladies and gentlemen! Yu dont need to buy the franchise but yu qualify for it by simply being a 6 Star!! How awesome is that??? Alright, l think l ve just given yu mo than enough reason as to why yu need to join Green World. Why it is the only network marketing company that can give yu the oportunity to beta yo life healthwise and financially. A life changing oportunity. Having said that, please note that Green World is not a JOB, but it is actually an opportunity for pple to change their lives. Whateva situation yu are in right now, its coz of a choice you made sometime back. Whether you are rich or poor. Yes, you cold have been born in a disadvantaged family, yo family cldnt afford to sent you to hi skul or college, that you cant change my friend, but you can change your life from now going forward. Green World is giving you that opportunity.Its up to you to grab the opportunity and utilize it. You have a choice. Join me and lets realize our dreams or remain P.O.O.R ......Passing Over Opportunities Regularly!! Thank you and stay blessed!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:10:27 +0000

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