Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. - TopicsExpress


Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. -Proverbs 4:23- Friends... Our hearts are so vulnerable. Each of us have secret longings, desires and hopes. We search and search for people, things or experiences to fulfill us, and oftentimes find ourselves severely injuring this sacred vessel over and over again. Scripture is so clear. Guard your heart. I have failed at this many times before, but today, I looked at this scripture in another light. If we are to guard our hearts so faithfully, why is it that we so often leave bruises on others hearts without giving much thought to it? Should we not take seriously the fact that they are also His beloved and must be handled lovingly and carefully? God treasures us. God treasures our hearts. He wants to protect them, purify them, find His home in them and one day, knit them with another one of His precious children for His glory. Knowing this purpose, I plead with each of you to guard your heart, and guard the hearts around you. Love people. Build relationships. Invest in friendships. But, be careful that you do not play with a persons emotions or handle a relationship as if you are the only one invested. Be clear in your intentions with people, whether friendship or something deeper... and always love others as you love yourself.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:22:15 +0000

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