Guardians of the Galaxy - a review The Marvel Cinematic Universe - TopicsExpress


Guardians of the Galaxy - a review The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) expands itself again with this tale of a group of misfits and criminals who reluctantly join forces to take possession of a mysterious orb. Led by Peter Quill, or as he prefers to be called Starlord, the Guardians consist of a genetically modified racoon, an intelligent tree with a 3 word vocabulary, Drax, the muscular alien with a personal vendetta and Gamora, a green skinned female assassin. But dont let that put you off. This is a big movie on a Star Wars scale with good characterisations, beautiful planetscapes, huge space battles, clever scripting and some proper belly-laugh moments. I was a little bothered that a talking racoon would be a move to pull in a younger audience (I was thinking Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks to be honest) but shouldnt have feared the Marvel masterminds as Rocket Racoon is maybe the most grown-up character in the movie. Honest. And for the MCU fans, we have good number of crossovers. Thanos - big stripy chinned chap we got sneak peaks at in Avengers and Thor - is back with a bigger role (and chin), another infinity stone makes an appearance (to add to the Tesseract from Capt America and Avengers), and a few more Ill let you find for yourselves. We also have a nice teaser for an even bigger crossover. See, Peter, who was kidnapped from Earth as a boy, is half-human and half alien, his Mum describing his father as an Angel. So come on film/comic fans. Who is your money on for the big I am your Father moment in the next movie slated for a 2017 release..??? Highly recommended.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 08:27:21 +0000

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