Guess which party has these as its policies? - use resources - TopicsExpress


Guess which party has these as its policies? - use resources fairly and responsibly to provide a decent quality of life for all. - Work will pay a living wage high-quality public services will be run for public benefit, not private profit. - To protect our economy we will separate retail and investment banking and limit the size of banks. - Smaller companies and cooperatives will be supported to create many socially beneficial local jobs. - investing in our thriving energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. - Affordable and renewable electricity will be generated, stored and distributed as close to users as possible, with maximum local control. Instead of shackling our nation with expensive new nuclear power and environmentally reckless shale gas, we will control energy bills and create more jobs by investing in warm and efficient homes, energy storage and smart grids and in renewable energy supply, owned by public, private and community enterprises. - We will ensure energy resilience by investing in energy efficiency, energy storage, diverse renewable energy generation and by expanding our international grid interconnectors. - a ban on all UK fracking operations and for destructive fossil fuel subsidies to be redirected to fund energy efficiency measures, community owned renewable energy sources and the elimination of fuel poverty. -By supporting healthier eating, exercise and access to nature and by reducing pollution and social inequalities, support mental wellbeing while minimising healthcare needs and costs. - maintain a publicly funded, publicly provided and decentralised health service, while abolishing prescription charges and reintroducing free eye tests and NHS dental treatment for all. -We will implement the Scottish system of free social care for elderly people. - create socially beneficial jobs that provide for everyones needs. - lead the transition to a sustainable economy through targeted support to encourage private sector investment - encouraging ownership and control of local industries by workers and communities. - inclusive education in local schools with smaller classes to enable every child to discover and fully develop their talents, whether in practical subjects, sciences, the arts or sports. - free school meals - ensuring every student has free access to quality higher education and by making schools accountable to parents. - compassionate, empowering and effective welfare support for all. - A living wage will provide a decent quality of life, while a citizens income will cover everyone’s basic needs. - An unconditional citizen’s pension - linked to average earnings - will meet the basic needs of able-bodied people, enabling dignified retirement. -flexible support to carers of disabled and mentally ill people and increase their carer’s allowance. - Housing and disability support will be linked to earnings and we will double child benefit. - build and refurbish homes to meet everyones needs for secure and comfortable housing. -Council and co-operative housing will be prioritised for funding - housing associations democratised and protections for private tenants improved. - Owners unable to pay their mortgage will have a right to rent their home from their council. - An integrated Green public transport system will be reliable, affordable, convenient and widely accessible. - investing in safe and spacious cycle lanes, pavements and pedestrian areas and in better local rail and bus networks, we will reduce air pollution and congestion. - return the railways to public ownership; re-open lines and stations and reduce fares. - pursue a resilient local and global food supply to ensure everyone has access to a sufficient diet of nutritious, safe and affordable food. - support farming and local growing practices that protect the land and wider environment, support decent jobs, provide healthy food and respect animal welfare. - European ban on genetically modified food. - apply a contraction and convergence strategy to reduce emissions to a safe and equal per-capita level. Pursuing the necessary annual reductions of around 10% will create many jobs. - a reformed Europe with governing institutions designed to resist capture by corporations and instead work democratically and cooperatively in the public interest. - promote self-determination of nations and regions acting independently on local issues, whilst protecting the ability to cooperate on global issues that affect us all, like fisheries protection, climate change or human rights. - countryside policies will create sustainable and self-reliant communities living in harmony with a flourishing and diverse natural environment. - Local decision making and economic management will provide the goods, services and infrastructure needed to enhance the wellbeing of rural communities. - protect basic social and economic rights such as access to food, housing, healthcare, education, transport, employment and nature. - support local self-governance and protect communities from corporate actions that violate their rights. - end factory farming, ban live export of farm animals, encourage a reduction in consumption of animal products, increase investment in humane research and end animal experiments.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:54:07 +0000

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