Gunny had an accident last night in Walmart. Everybody was - TopicsExpress


Gunny had an accident last night in Walmart. Everybody was quite nice after I cleaned it all up. 3 workers complemented me on how I was so prepared. This is how I trained him but last night I only asked him to go pee pee and he did! But I was in a hurry to catch up with the class and never said go poop poo! Never rush your Dog Teach Your Dog to Pee and Poop on Command! You are in a hurry, but you know you wont be back for hours. Your dog (generally a house pet, because otherwise what is the point of having them?) needs to go outside to do its business. However, every pet owner knows that the length of time it takes your dog to get down to business is commensurate with how much of a hurry you have placed yourself in as a result of poor planning. (YES. Poor planning. Youve been there before. What? You suddenly forgot that you had a pet to consider…for the four hundred and ninety-third time?) The more time you have, the more likely it is for the dog to cop an immediate squat. The bigger rush you find yourself in, the more likely it is that your dog will find it necessary to sniff every dandelion in your yard. In any case, you are in a hurry, and your dog is not. Its a lovely day outside. There are smells that werent there only three hours earlier. Of course, when you arent in a hurry, that motorcycle starting up wont faze the poochie in the slightest. You are in a hurry though. So subsequently, the guy next door will start his motorcycle just as Fidos brown eye starts to pucker, and the dog will be distracted to the point of needing to find a new spot. In the meantime, You are growing impatient and the dog senses it, so he starts to cower and you start to reason with the dog, plead with the dog, or yell at the dog for not understanding your tight schedule. Have no fear. There IS a solution. By the way, contrary to popular belief, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. You can teach your dog to pee an poop on command. For the record, its imperative that the animal understands the difference. I have seen many people train their dogs to go to the bathroom. Thats not good enough. Why? It confuses the dog. Heres how: You tell the dog to go to the bathroom and it drops a load but it does not pee, or visa versa. You are going to be gone a long time. You NEED the dog to do both. He doesnt understand this, because he doesnt even know you are leaving, and when you do, he has no concept of time. Hes as happy to see you after a three hour absence as after a three DAY absence. Of course you could try to explain to the dog why it is that he should do both, ( let me know how that works for you). If you have only taught your dog to go to the bathroom you run the risk that the dog will simply not understand (having just gone to the bathroom) that dropping a load of digested kibble on your lawn is not enough. Youd also like him to ruin a spot of grass with his urine. He has to know the difference Animal trainers have known for years that the best behaviors to train are behaviors the animal engages in naturally. Obviously a dog will pee or poop in the yard if it needs to, regardless of training. Its YOUR job to associate a command with the action. So… when your dog DOES get around to peeing, say in your command voice to your dog, GO PEE!. At first, this will distract the dog. In time though, it wont and he will associate the command with the action. When he has done so, he will know that when you say Go pee, that his expected command is to empty his bladder. Dont underestimate the value of a Milkbone™ treat as a reward for acting on your command. Train the dog to poo on command in the same manner. GO POO! It works like a verbal laxative. One moment shes sniffing a chunk of dried out old poo with white glazing to see what she ate three weeks ago last Tuesday (Hint: it was kibble…just like the other pile) The next moment, She hears the command GO POO and she pushes out another back yard mold collector. Its really that simple. Your animal deserves to understand you. After all, you owe him for all the warmed feet and cuddles that cheer you up after a dismal day.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:15:28 +0000

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