Guy Duininck Grace in Tribulations Jesus was clear in His words - TopicsExpress


Guy Duininck Grace in Tribulations Jesus was clear in His words when He told His disciples that, “In the world ye shall have tribulation” [John 16:33]. Times of tribulation are not supposed to overwhelm believers. It is God’s will, rather, that in times of tribulation — in times of significant difficulty — believers hold steady and not capitulate. Paul revealed that believers should be “patient in tribulation.” He also said that, “we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience” [Romans 12:12; 5:3]. There are many things in life that can tap our strength and cause us to want to quit. Contrary circumstances, difficult people, pressure in a marriage, raising children, governing one’s self, pressure at work, Satanic hindrances, demonic messengers, temptations, financial lack, drama in a friendship, complicated family dynamics......Many, many things! And if all that wasnt enough, God has called us to serve Him with all our strength! When we are impacted by difficult circumstances or when we feel the weight of life’s demands, we often want to give up. Everything seems to be just too much; we feel over-matched, overwhelmed, or “out-weighed.” And sometimes our feelings are accurate. Sometimes the situations of life may actually be too much for us at our current level of strength! With all the realities of life that can tap our strength, it is very important that we know how to be re-invigorated,in-fused with strength, and empowered inside! We must know how to have our inner man” renewed day by day. We must know how to draw strength from the God of all grace. We must know how to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We must know how to appropriate that Grace which is sufficient for every test and trial! We must know how to wait upon the Lord and renew our strength so that we can Mount Up and not Fall Down! It is when we face overwhelming circumstances and impossible situations that the revelation of God’s Strengthening Grace will pay it’s richest dividends! For in these times, we will know What is available and we will know How to get it!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:02:07 +0000

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