Guy Scott disturbed by Petition of 60 PF MPs to endorse Edgar - TopicsExpress


Guy Scott disturbed by Petition of 60 PF MPs to endorse Edgar Lungu. Nov 13, 2014 1:47 pm Acting President Guy Scott has said that he is disturbed that the petition is going round in parliament signed by 60 MP to endorse Mr. Edgar Lungu as the party’s PF Presidential candidate. Dr Scott said that the endorsement of Mr. Lungu by the petitioners is against the party constitution. He said that the adoption of the candidate must be done in line with the constitution which call for a convention to elect a Presidential candidate. Dr Scot said that it was sad that some central Committee members want to select a candidate without going through a general conference. He noted that there are a range of people who may wish to seek election adding that a democratic process will enable a larger number of party members to scrutinize the candidates. He said this will also help unite the members around the candidate who gets majority support . Dr Sott said the party cannot endorse decision through intimidation and disorder. He said any attempt to short-cut this process or exclude the rank and file will create anarchy. Dr Scott has since given instructions to start preparations for a general conference at Mulungushi Rock of Authority scheduled on or before 29 November. Meanwhile, Central Province Patriotic Front (PF) Youths have refuted the statement aired on ZNBC news yesterday from the expelled provincial Youth chairman Jeliat Mutembwa that it was adopting Wynter Kabimba as the presidential candidate for the fourth coming presidential by-elections. PF Acting Provincial Youth chairman Joseph Nkole Mutamba said the youths in the region will adopt Edgar Lungu as the presidential candidate. Mr Mutamba said this is because Mr Lungu was the person that the late president Michael Sata left the instruments of power with. ZANIS reports that Mr Mutemba said this in a statement released in Kabwe today. He said the former Youth chairman Mr Mutembwa was suspended from the party for the alleged theft of money meant for the purchase of a party vehicle a year ago adding that he was still answering to the charge and could therefore not be the spokesperson for the party in the Central province. The Acting chairperson said PF in the province was saddened to learn that Mr Mutembwa went to the media purporting to be a provincial spokesperson for the youths and other party members claiming that they had adopted Wynter Kabimba as the sole candidate to stand on PF presidential ticket. ‘Me as acting chairman and my fellow youths, we are saying No to this allegation, Not at one time did we sit together as the provincial executive or rather the youth to adopt Kabimba’, said Mr Mutamba. He further said that Mr Kabimba as at now was no longer a figure in the national executive because he was removed by the person who appointed him as PF Secretary General, the late president Michael Chilufya Sata, and that he was again removed by the same president from his Ministerial position. He claimed that Mr Kabimba never even attended the funeral for President Sata which implied that he never loved both the president and his party but marely wanted to bring confusion among party members. ‘Kabimba is only a cadre like any other member in the party without any portfolio, we are relying upon Edgar Lungu as the presidential candidate of PF, as Youths, we stand and say no to Kabimba adoption, and this man, this man, we are even reporting the matter to police to have him arrested for the false statements and allegations he is making to the media’, Mr Mutamba explained. The PF Youths in the province were reacting to the statement aired on ZNBC alleging that PF dignitaries and youths in the Central province were adopting Wynter Kabimba as their sole candidate for the presidential by-election.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 12:30:08 +0000

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