Guys, I know most of you are working, living out of the area, - TopicsExpress


Guys, I know most of you are working, living out of the area, actually have lives, and such. But something just happened this morning that, after some consideration, I decided to share with you and ask for a favor. You all know that Im involved pretty heavily with a number of veterans support groups. You also know that the epidemic of veteran suicide is near an all-time high, and is proving a tough enemy to fight. And of course you are aware of the new uniforms mentioned below, the reason behind them, and the Homecoming event next Tuesday (Feb 4th). What you dont know is, I was contacted by a fellow vet and asked to assist the mom of an Afghanistan vet of the Air Force who committed suicide after deployment. They know about us and our Bulldogs teams and what weve done. Im in touch with the mom, and she has a specific request. Her son battled severe depression (and probable PTSD) after his deployment, when he came home with a vastly changed disposition and character. He lost that battle after a fight with the mom, who feels severe guilt (though she probably shouldnt). She remembers him from the days before he changed - when he was a lover of adventure and people, always involved in sports and travel. To make a long story short, after donating his organs and tissue (to 56 separate recipients, by the way), he was cremated. His mom decided to try to fulfill a promise made to him, to help him travel and see the world - in the only way she still can, by scattering his ashes. I am now in possession of a portion of his ashes. Ive been asked to scatter them over the Golden Gate Bridge, which is a place he always wished to visit, after performing s specific task for him. He always loved high school basketball and sports of all kinds. Combining that love with love of country and the sacrifice he gave in wartime, and recognizing that he is just as much a casualty of that war as so many others, he is to attend a Bulldogs game as a member of our team. He will be with us Tuesday evening as a member of the Bulldogs, assigned jersey #8, and hell have his own seat on the bench reserved for him. Well recognize him in pre-game introductions, and in a special pre-game ceremony. Its for him and, by extension, all the others lost to us. If any of you can be there, it would mean more than I have words to say. Ive lost a lot of comrades over the years, more than a few to suicide after the battle was over. Weve got to stop that plague. Later on I want to share with you all a tool that you may be able to use to help others, or even yourselves. For now, just know once again that I will always be there for each and every one of you - anytime, any place. Just say the word, and I will move heaven and earth to come get you out of whatever the hell is going on. Together we can change each others worlds - its never so bad that it cant get better with the right stuff. If you cant be there, I fully understand. I just wanted you all to know how much you are appreciated, missed, and needed. You will all be there anyway, whether physically present or not - this is your night. Together we will honor this vet and all of our other friends who we wish were still here. Frankly Im not looking forward to it - a silent toast with beer at a bar is more my speed. But the mom needs us to do it, so we will. Thanks for listening. Now I really do need a beer. DOL
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:11:45 +0000

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