HA-HA-HA!! I always laugh when I see this... lol Wanna know - TopicsExpress


HA-HA-HA!! I always laugh when I see this... lol Wanna know how to spot a desperate marketer whos trying to make a buck but is clueless about how to do what they (allegedly) promise to teach you? Here are a few clues: 1. Theyre almost always bashing other marketers or companies directly or indirectly to try to make themselves (somehow) look better. 2. They usually dress to impress lol 3. Theyre NOT personally DOING what they are teaching. They just heard the information from some other source and basically relaying it as theirs (worse yet, the information theyre trying to teach came to them from the person they are down talking while trying trying to make themselves look cool.) 4. Their primary source of income is different from the stuff/methods they teach. 5. Oh! and they get very passionate too! lol 6. and they may drool during a live presentation hahaha! Anybody else got anything to add to this list? Im curious to hear your thoughts :-) Oh, and ... tip of the day: dont be THAT guy. People will respect you much more if youre being genuine.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:36:33 +0000

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