HADASSAH MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTION When the Light Shows Up (John 1:5) by BJ Read: Genesis 11:1-14:24, 1 Chronicles 11:24-27 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (John 1:5) Relate: Good vs Evil. Light vs Darkness. God vs Satan. They two equal and opposite sides forever locked in an eternal struggle for dominance that neither side will ever win. Although it might sometimes seem to tip one way or another, balance ultimately reigns supreme. Some say our responsibility is to determine which side we are on and then make life meaningful by fighting for it. Others say that our internal struggle is simply a mirroring of this cosmic battle. Still others say that the best thing we can do is try to maintain the balance of good and evil in our own life. Too much of either is unhealthy. What do I say? I say that this entire paragraph in one huge steaming pile of male bovine feces. Good vs Evil? On a cosmic scale, evil is nothing more than a temporary anomaly. It might seem pervasive now, but in view of eternity it is nothing more than a random blip on the radar. God vs Satan? It is a temporary and doomed rebellion. It has as much success as a ten year old spitting in his mothers face. Not only is he being immediately punished but, soon Daddys coming home and that kid will feel the full measure of His wrath. Light vs Dark? It is completely one sided. When have you ever opened a door and darkness flooded into the room from the outside? How about the reverse? Wherever there is light darkness must flee. It must. What is true in physics is also true in metaphysics. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. React: So the questions that remain are: 1) How much light am I letting into my life? 2) How much light am I carrying into my world? If there seems to be a war between good and evil in my life, all I need to do is open up the door of my heart. How much of Gods light am I letting in? How many dark rooms have I kept locked and not surrendered over to Him? What about my world? How brightly am I reflecting Gods light in my sphere of influence? How clearly am I letting the light in me shine outward? Ultimately, I cannot change the dark decisions made by others but I can point them to Jesus. There God, the Light, shows up darkness will flee. It must. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. Respond: God, You are victorious. I know this and I know that I know it but sometimes my heart forgets. Sometimes when I get too caught up in the moments of this life it seems like the darkness, like evil, has so much more power than it does. Sometimes when I have failed again, it seems like sin has a so much stronger pull than it should. In those moments, at those times, I ask that You show up. I ask that You shine ever brighter. Shine brightly in my life that You might shine through my life. PROPHETIC WORD - Russ Walden The Father says today I do not accept the blood of bulls and goats but your sacrifices of praise will be a sweet smelling savor to Me. There are those that mock and scoff at the oblations of your lips but know this - your worship changes the outcome, even the immediate outcome of the circumstance before you. My heart responds to worship as you magnify My name above the challenge you are facing. My hand is swift to scribe the requisition of My blessing and provision in your behalf today. The angels now hasten to your defense to uphold and champion your cause. Call upon Me in the day of trouble will I not answer you? Call upon Me even when you feel unworthy will I not pour out My mercy upon you in fresh measure? Offer thanksgiving and pay your heart-vows to Me and I will destroy the efforts of the enemy to contain and contaminate you. This day and this hour and this season I am bringing you to the refreshing of My fountains of grace and forgiveness and joy says your Pappa God!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:46:43 +0000

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