HAKAINDE HICHILEMA URGES PRESIDENT SATA TO LEAVE STATE HOUSE ONCE IN A WHILE AND SEE HOW ZAMBIANS ARE SUFFERING I will continue touring the country and spreading the message of love, unity and development among all Zambians despite the PF repressive and dictatorial Public Order Act which has limited people’s freedoms, says opposition UPND president Hakainde Hichilema. Speaking when he toured Kaoma, Luampa, Mangango, and Nkeyema Districts of Western province where he continued receiving defectors from PF, MMD, ULP, and ADD to the UPND, Mr. Hichilema maintained that PF was a one-term mistake government that Zambians cannot allow continue. “I am going round the country to see for myself the people’s suffering under the brutal PF regime. I am going to Luapula, Muchinga, Northern, Copperbelt, Eastern, North-western, Central, Eastern to see for myself how people are suffering under the PF regime,” Mr. Hichilema said. Mr. Hichilema said PF ministers are busy cheating President Michael Sata that there is massive development everywhere and that people still love him, yet there is misery everywhere I go. Mr Hichilema said it was shameful that farmers were now exchanging their maize with fritters (tumbuwa) in some areas as if there was no government in place. “I wished my ‘uncle’ Mr. Sata can ride with me in my countrywide tours so that I show him how his government has brought misery to the people of Zambia. His ministers are just getting fat as observed by Mr Sata himself, from travel allowances but giving him fake reports. Let him come out of State House once in a while and see for himself how his people are suffering. Some of the so called roads being worked on have already started developing potholes because of shoddy works due to corruption,” he said. Mr. Hichilema said he could not imagine that 50 years after independence, people were still trading under trees and dangerous markets in some urban centers. “If Mr. Sata does not want to see his people around the country, he should at least allow some of us to mingle and give our people some hope of survival. But sometimes I appreciate why he does not want to travel and see his people. He fears Zambians can start jeering him for the failed leadership. But Zambians are peaceful, loving and very friendly and forgiving people despite the hardships they are going through under PF,” he said. He bragged that he could take Mr. Sata around the country and apologise on his behalf for the failed and brutal leadership he has subjected Zambians. “Let Mr. Sata come with me even when I tour his village in Mpika, Muchinga province. I will apologise to the people on his behalf. Zambians are forgiving people and they will not jeer him, especially in my presence. But now I am directing him to announce the maize floor price for the farmers within one week,” Mr. Hichilema said. He said it was shameful that farmers were now exchanging their maize with fritters (tumbuwa) in some areas as if there was no government in place. Mr. Hichilema said a situation where briefcase businessmen have evaded the farmers and buying maize cheaply was just adding misery to the rural communities that depended on farming. Issued by UPND Information (PI Dept)
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 08:40:29 +0000

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