HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY CODY!!! It was exactly nine years ago today - TopicsExpress


HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY CODY!!! It was exactly nine years ago today that you made me feel what pure joy is. I was your first hug, your first kiss. Exactly nine years ago, as you were born, my life has never been the same. The moment you first came outside of my womb, you made me complete. Just watching you grow, inquisitive and delighted to learn everything around you, I am reminded everyday of the immeasurable happiness you bring into my world. As I have hopes for your sisters, I have millions for you as well but I will limit myself to the Nine that I hope most: I hope for the wonderful sense of humor you have now to be firmly in place. Witty, dry, sarcastic or silly, your clever retorts are quick and impressive and are a very endearing personality you have that is a saving thing for you when faced by obstacles that are sure to come as you grow... I hope you experience wins and losses, trophies and empty shelves. Though there is nothing else that I would love to see more than seeing you succeed in everything you do, as I believe in your gifts, I must hope you challenges. For it is within the losses, the 2nd, 3rd , and the failures that your character will be built. It is my job, as your mom, to do my best to guide you through these moments. If everything was to be easy for you, you would be ill-prepared for the ‘real’ world. I promise you, life is not always easy... I hope you follow your heart, you pursue your dreams, you treasure your family, you listen to your elders, you embrace your fears, you live your passion, you find good and Godly friends- be loyal to them, respect the people better than you and the ones lesser than you... I hope you will always be a student, a teacher. Learn at every opportunity. Read. Remain inquisitive. Ask. And when you know something and know it well – teach others. Do not hoard your knowledge, your gifts – share them. There is inherent beauty in being both student and teacher. It is a gift to learn and a privilege to teach... I hope you always take care of your younger sisters. Be a good example. They both look up to you. Continue to hold Shea’s hand after Daddy and I drop you off to school and make sure she gets to her yard before heading off to your own. And do the same to Savvy when her time to go to school comes... I hope you always say “Yes I CAN!. Try your best, never give up and look adversity in the face knowing that you can do everything you put your mind and heart into. There will always be people who are waiting for you to fall, BUT, you have an amazing support system to always hold you up. Not only do you have Mom and Dad to remind you how great you are or how you can do much better, you have two amazing cheerleaders in your sisters, a fierce and supportive Master T, a wonderfully caring Tita Pia, and an amazingly loving family of Titos, Titas and cousins... I hope you seek Joy. Every single day, find something that makes you happy and just do it. Be it big or small – a random act of kindness, playing with your sisters,listening to a song you love, finding new subjects to draw, or watching movies with Dad - it quite simply does not matter. What matters is that you spend a portion of each day smiling and laughing... I hope you don’t stop giving us your cuddles. Since that first day, nine years ago, you never deprived us of that Cody-cuddle every single day to now. I adore that you still want to sleep beside us especially with Daddy, he loves the way you sleep on top of him (literally!). It was easy before but I am sure it is getting harder now that you are almost getting as tall as him. Thankfully, we still have to hear him say anything about this... I hope you will be what you want to be later in life, A paleontologist, a dragonologist, a ninja... It does not really matter- coz even if you think one day you will become Goku, we know that you are still my Cody, the baby I breastfed till two and a half years who turned into a steak and pinakbet eating big boy... Every day since that precious 0247 hour of November 2nd, 2004, I have never stopped telling you “I love you” and I always will. ~Mommy~
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 20:26:52 +0000

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