HAPPY ANNIVERSARY APOSTOLIC CHURCH of PORT HURON----PASTOR BOBBY BISHOP AND SIS. CARLA BISHOP-----FOR 17 GREAT YEARS OF SERVICE.....I want to say thank you to my ACPH family for your constant prayers for myself and everyone in our church. Thank you to our ministers who preach the Word of God no matter if it cuts to the core; thank you to the Elders for staying prayed up when we need prayer so your prayers touch the throne; thank you to our Praise Team and Musicians for the awesome work you do ushering us into the presence of the Lord; thank you to the Sunday School teachers who sacrifice time out of their busy schedules to study the Word so that they can teach it to the children; thank you to the ushers, sound men, door men and janitors. Thank you to our beautiful, awesome, caring, hard working, talented and wonderful Pastors wife, Sis. Carla for all you do! You always go above and beyond the call and I so appreciate you and love you. Thank you to our Watchman on the wall; our Pastor, who gives and gives and gives and never asks for anything in return, except for our faithfulness to the house of God. He preaches the Word without flinching, never compromising but always with love. I give honor to your wife and daughter, for their hard work and sacrifice over the years. You will be truly blessed beyond measure for answering the call and for keeping the faith. We are blessed to have you as our Pastor!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:59:04 +0000

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