HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Today Zimbabweans join MDC-T the biggest political party in celebrating the 34th birthday of the National Youth Assembly Chairman who is the Rightful Redcliff Mp Happymore Chidziva Cde Bvondo The Mdc-t is excited having a unifier who is ready to lead the nation in confronting Mugabe whose 34 years in office has been the worst 3 decades Zimbabwe has experienced the worst living standards forcing millions to leave the country. Mugabe has made it difficult for Zimbabweans to enjoy their birthdays in Zimbabwe and South Africa province found it fit to host Bvondos birthday party in South Africa far away from Mugabes residence. Coincidentially Mugabe cant celebrate his Christmas in Zimbabwe thats why he is far from Africa HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAIRMAN BVONDO KEEP THE FIRE BURNING CHAIRMAN BVONDO ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ MAN OF ACTION BVONDO MDC-T youths have declared they will engage in street protests to press the Zanu PF-led government to call for early elections to address the country’s economic and political problems. Speaking at the Gweru Press Club on Tuesday, newly- elected party youth assembly secretary-general Lovemore Chinoputsa said the demonstrations would be peaceful and among other grievances, they would demand job for the hordes of unemployed young people. “We are prepared to take head-on the illegitimate government of (President) Robert Mugabe to force him to call for an early legitimate election,” he said. Chinoputsa, who was flanked by new members of the MDC-T youth assembly national executive elected at the party’s congress last weekend, said the protests would seek reforms before the polls and demand the two million jobs Zanu PF promised. The call by the opposition party youths could set them on a collision course with Mugabe’s government which in the past has violently quashed such street protests. The MDC-T youth leader said Zanu PF was on the verge of collapse following internecine fights in the party, adding that this was the ripe time for the opposition party to present itself as an alternative to the people of Zimbabwe. “We will not allow ourselves to be taken to another election without the necessary reforms for a free and fair election,” he said. “We also will take to the streets to demand 2,2 million jobs promised by the Mugabe regime and other jobs that have continued to be lost since that promise was made.” Incoming national youth chairperson, Happymore Chidziva said they would take mass action to Zanu PF’s doorstep “since they can only understand that language”. Polite Musarurwa Mdc-t Information
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:51:40 +0000

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