HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR....... 40 years ago, a journey began. At - TopicsExpress


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR....... 40 years ago, a journey began. At the beginning of a road travelled by a few, none by choice, stood a man who would revolutionize the field. This is the journey of Dr. Prafull Gajanan Vijayakar, a world renowned Homoeopath. Coming from a rich lineage of doctors and intellectuals, Dr. Vijayakar had all the ingredients to succeed. His grandfather – Dr. Wamanrao Anandrao Vijayakar, travelled to London, just to study medicine in 1901. Such was the determination of the man, that he did not let the 21 day long journey stop him. When he came back, he was appointed as personal physician to Royalties. Dr. Prafulls maternal grandfather was also in the field of medicine - Dr. Mukundrao Janardhan Kothare. His mother, Mrs. Mohini Gajanan Vijayakar was a well educated lady, who had a B.A. in French and English. Dr. Gajanan Wamanrao Vijayakar, father of Dr. Prafull G. Vijayakar, still practices at the age of 90. With such genetic backing, combining his mothers hunger for knowledge, and his fathers accurate diagnostic skills, Dr. Prafull Vijayakar started his extra-ordinary journey. He was an excellent student during his school life. Right up to junior college, he always had a report card his parents would love to show off. Astrologers predicted he was destined to be one of the best surgeons. However, destiny had other plans. During his HSC exams, Dr. Prafull Vijayakar could not perform as well as he was expected to. Lack of adequate scores resulted in him having to move away from the traditional allopathic line, and into homoeopathy, which was gravely looked down upon. The normal practice was to take the Doctors degree and practice allopathy. But taking the easy way out was not an option that sat well with him. When almost the entire world had discarded homoeopathy, one wonders what drove Dr. Vijayakar towards pursuing the field. What drove him was his quest for knowledge, the challenge of revolutionize the practice and self-belief. The founder of homoeopathy was a German man, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, The God of homoeopathy as he is known. Dr. Vijayakar had one belief, that when the Germans create something, it has to be perfect. And if there is perfection, then why is the field struggling? He started investigating into the flaws and the setbacks in the profession. He started reading books on the subject, researching Dr. Hahnemanns work, translating it for better understanding. He saw that the problem was not in homoeopathy, it was in the understanding. No one had really understood what Dr. Hahnemann was professing. Therefore, without understanding the practice, it was not possible to deliver results. Another point that troubled him deeply was, for over a century, every book on medicine had one common theory – some diseases are controllable, not curable. If every disease was not curable, where was the progress in science? If ten decades of study has not revealed any method to cure every disease, is science really progressing? Having garnered knowledge from every source available, Dr. Vijayakar set out to make sure he makes his contribution to the development of science. He had discovered that to cure a disease, you need to understand the person. He professes, Treat the man in the disease, not the disease in the man. This statement summarises his motto in his practice. Another point he had understood was, All diseases that disappear are not cured. Keeping these two things in mind, in 1991-92, Dr. Prafull Gajanan Vijayakar founded the practice of Predictive Homoeopathy. Precision and Prediction are not two words you can often use in the same breath. But Dr. Vijayakar has combined these two terms and made them co-exist on a daily basis. By assessing a patients history, genealogy and personality, he started curing diseases that were otherwise only controllable. He knew exactly where the problem lay, and the solution to it. He started predicting with precision, what the patient had suffered before, what he was going through now, and what would happen next on the road to recovery. The old fruitless practice had started showing phenomenal results, in some cases even miraculous. He brought vision to the blind, independence to the handicapped, hope to the hopeless. His quest was not for rehabilitation. According to him, Rehabilitation is accepting defeat, it is a bad word. And as his journey shows, defeat is not something he is used to. I strive for correction, not rehabilitation. He had achieved a God like stature amongst many patients. Some even said, If there is no hope, there is still Dr. Prafull Vijayakar. The most famous was, Shankaracharya came to rescue Hinduism, and Dr. Prafull Vijayakar came to rescue Homoeopathy. He had succeeded in what he had set out to do, revolutionize homoeopathy, make it result oriented and help take science a step further. Today, there are patients who are willing to sit in his clinic the entire day waiting for their turn, knowing that they will not return home defeated. He instilled faith in his practice. He changed the trend and people started opting for homoeopathy. His own family produced some exceptional homoeopaths. His son, Dr. Ambrish Prafull Vijayakar, is well equipped to carry forward the legacy his father has built. He runs a successful practice of his own. The father and son combo conduct various seminars all over the world, educating people and throwing light on the correct way of practicing. People from all over the world fill these seminars to learn from the expertise at display. The seminars need not be promoted or advertised. Just an announcement the previous night is enough to make sure around a thousand people throng the seminar. Many aspiring doctors intern every year under Dr. Prafull Vijayakar. These young doctors have graduated under his wings and gone one to establish successful practices of their own. In northern India, institutes have framed his picture and placed in on the wall next to Dr. Hahnemann, the God of Homoeopathy. This is the kind of respect commanded by a humble man from Mumbai. He also conducts camps in rural areas, called Hope for the Hopeless Camps. Through these camps, Dr. Vijayakar provides medical aid to people who cannot otherwise travel to cities to see good doctors. He takes an entire entourage of doctors trained by him, to treat people who come to these camps hoping against hope for some miracle. Thousands of patients flood these camps because they know that Dr. Vijayakar will not turn a deaf ear towards them. He makes sure he attends as many cases as he can personally. He spends hours together making sure no one goes back unheard. All this is done completely free of cost. Successful on the professional front, and successful on the social front, few people manage to achieve such balance. Judging from his own theory of genealogy, Dr. Vijayakar will be practicing homoeopathy for a long time, improvising and taking it further, spreading the word along his journey.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 03:03:38 +0000

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