‘HARIDRA KUMKUM VAASTU HOMA’ : My good friend B T Munirajaiah - TopicsExpress


‘HARIDRA KUMKUM VAASTU HOMA’ : My good friend B T Munirajaiah former Director of Kannada and culture department wanted me to perform ‘HARIDRA KUMKUM VAASTU HOMA’ through our priests to get rid of his ill health . He is a good writer in Kannada written many Dramas and popular among them are PURANA PRAHASHANA and KARPURADA GOMBE. I could meet his 100 year old Mother in law who is very active even today with good health and enthusiasm. We, in our life, toil day in and day out. The common people have an only dream and that is to own very own house and to lead a happy life. After owning the house if you do not perform Vastu Shanti called‘HARIDRA KUMKUM VAASTU HOMA’ at apropriate interval of period we may face physical , mental , emotional and social problems. We have to take note of the following while contemplating ‘HARIDRA KUMKUM VAASTU HOMA’ VaastuShanti: Avoid following maasa , tithi , day while performing Vastu Shanthi Month -- Chaitra Sampoorna, Ashwin Sampoorna, Aadhik Mahina. Tithi-- No moon day (Aamavasya), KshayaTithi and Rikta Tithi. Day -- Sautarday, Tuesday. Let us now actually see what goes in to performing the rituals for VaastuPooja. Primarily, you should ensure the purity of your residence. We vastu pundits, after arriving at your residence, make all the arrangements for the Vaastu Pooja, facing the east direction. You are expected to keep things ready for the pooja. The host is also expected to complete his ablutions, with the same applicable to the spouse as well. After getting dressed in the holy pooja attire, the hosts should enter the VaastuMandap and adorn their respective seats. Keep a Tambya (mug), Tamhan (A holy Hindu Cauldron), Pela (glass), Pali (ladle) in front of you. The guruji then applies a Tilak (a round red mark applied on the forehead) on your forehead. And also present you with a special sacred cloth and make to wear Paavitra to right hand ring finger. Then after performing the ‘KeshVaadi Aachman’ you are expected to do the pranayaam. After vowing for ‘ShaantiSukta’, the host should make an offering of beetle leaves, coconut to the gods and also call upon the gods for VaastuShanti. After paying due respects and prostrating before the gods and other elderly people and the Brahmins, take the idol of the gods in your hands and return to your respective seat. Again perform the ‘Aachman’ followed by the pranayaam. Main Vow - Offer the host to make the vow with holy waters, Sacred offering of rice (Akshata), flowers and a coin in their hands. The vow is nothing but pronouncing the ‘Panchangas’ i.e. where Am I sitting today on the earth, at which place, what is the astrological planetary position in the sky, what is today’s day, date, tithi, position of the Nakshatraas etc. After calling upon the aforementioned Panchangas, spell out your lineage (Gotra). Then after calling out your own name, your are expected to cite out reason for performing this ritual, for whom and for what benefit are you performing this ritual etc. These all things comprise the Main Vow. The VaastuShanti Vow - Whatever atrocities inflicted on the mother earth, while land digging, tilling, leveling, cutting, building, scorching, treading the land etc as also injuries inflicted or sins created due to the unknowing annihilation of various insects, worms etc while performing these activities should be forgiven and I should be bestowed with eternal peace and long lasting happiness in this new abode of mine. Let all my aspirations bear success, let my foes be destroyed and let my loved ones be blessed with a long life. Let me also be blessed with foodgrains, children, success, fame, prosperity in abundance. Let the VaastuPurush shower his well being on me and let the new positions of the planets be favorable and auspicious to me. And this is why I am performing this VaastuShanti. Then after a second resolution of Vaastushanti is done which says; I will perform Ganeshpoojan, Punyahavaachan, Matrukapoojan, Naandishraddha, Acharyadivaran, Digrakshaman, Panchagvyakaran, Bhoomipoojan, Sthandeel Nirmaan, Sanskar, Agnisthapana, Vaastumandal Devata Sthapana, Pradhan Kalash Sthapan, along with Vaastu (Vaastusahit) Dhruva Devata Poojan, Navagrahamandal Devata Sthapan, after doing Rudrapoojan, I will perform Havana, Uttarpoojan, Purnaahutee, Vaastunikshep as they are the indispensable rituals and intrinsic of this Vaastushanti. After paying due respects and after completing Ganeshasmarana, Kalash poojan, Shankha (Conch) – Ghanta (bell) poojan, Deepapoojan, Aadityapoojan, VVASTU HARIDRA KUMKUM HOMA is performed.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:13:54 +0000

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