HE THAT WINNETH SOULS IS WISE Pro_11:30 The fruit of the - TopicsExpress


HE THAT WINNETH SOULS IS WISE Pro_11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. By Far THE MOST rewarding thing a child of GOD can do--is to win the lost souls of their world to JESUS!! To find a soul in chains of bondage and darkness--with no hope for release, battered and torn by their evil taskmaster the devil- (One does not have to look far)and to show them Christs Love and Compassion, and to SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD TO THEM--and watch as they accept Christ as their own personal saviour, and Lord.. And then watch as the chains are broken off from them, and feel THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN REJOICING over one lost soul that comes to Jesus.... OHHHHHHH HALLELUUUUUYAH!!!! ARE you without gainful employment? Maybe you should consider WORKING FOR THE MASTER!!! Joh 4:35 Do you not say, It is still four months until harvest time comes? Look! I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields and see how they are already white for harvesting. Joh 4:36 Already the reaper is getting his wages [he who does the cutting now has his reward], for he is gathering fruit (crop) unto life eternal, so that he who does the planting and he who does the reaping may rejoice together. Joh 4:37 For in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps. Joh 4:38 I sent you to reap a crop for which you have not toiled. Other men have labored and you have stepped in to reap the results of their work. BELOVED--THE WORKER RECIEVETH WAGES!! On earth AND in heaven!! I know you may have many reasons why you DONT wish to go out and start winning souls to JESUS-- You may say i am quiet, bashful, timid, unlearned, uneducated, --THERE ARE 100S OF EXCUSES!! But can you simply be a friend? can you show compassion to one less fortunate by even a few minutes of your time? BELOVED , That is all it takes to many times WIN A SOUL TO JESUS--and even if he/she doesnt get saved--YOU have still been used to plant a HEAVENLY SEED into that persons heart, whom another will water, and GOD gives the increase. CONSIDER working for JESUS today--not only will you recieve wages--HE also has the MOST AWESOME BENEFITS!! BE OVERWHELMED BY THE MIGHTY PRESENCE OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:44:53 +0000

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