HEALER, HEAL THYSELF .. FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Often is the lament - TopicsExpress


HEALER, HEAL THYSELF .. FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Often is the lament that we find it so hard to heal ourselves and yet so easy to heal others. How many times have you heard that in your clients who are also fellow healers? I think it dawned on me a few days ago why. When we heal others we are not I-dentified with their health concern. We would love to help them, we know we can, we have an array of skills and techniques we know work, and our success rate is high. Yet, when we turn that same array of skills and techniques and knowing onto ourselves often the results are lacking. I think it must be because of a largely unconscious and highly subtle I-dentification with the disease or issue. The I in identification would appear to be a kind of fly-paper that holds the disease to it. As I say this is unconscious, and actually according to A Course In Miracles, the egos way to hold together its existence (eventho it is ultimately not real). A wonderful mantra/command came to me to clear this; it has been helping hugely to clear unwanted patterns and all forms of limitation: I am bringing ALL of Light into ALL of this now .. Do not identify Try that little beauty and let me know how you get on with it :)
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:30:32 +0000

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