HEAR THE TRUE CONFESSION FROM SINA KOWONISE (SK) – LP GOVERNORSHIP ASPIRANT: “All the elective and appointive positions in a possible PDP government in the state have been shared among the gladiators and godfathers. The arrangement is that this godfather would bring one nominee for Senate, three for House of Rep, Six for House of Assembly; another godfather will supply the Governorship candidate; yet another godfather will thrust forward the Deputy Governorship candidate etc. That way, the destiny of our people is being shared among political merchants whose interests are no more than their self-aggrandisement and feeding fat on the blood and sweat of our people……………………………………If Amosun must go, the alternative to him can’t be the soulless godsons and puppets that the Ogun PDP share-and-pocket ‘patch-patch’ arrangement will produce” Sina Kawonise (former Commissioner of Information & Strategy under OGD). Are we going to keep quiet and allow these people to come and hijack the State treasury again after we all knew what happened under their PDP in the last 8 years??? Let the Rebuilding Mission and Amosun Must Govern continue beyond 2015.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:50:08 +0000

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