❕HELLO❤WORLD❕ Just a request need from my Facebook - TopicsExpress


❕HELLO❤WORLD❕ Just a request need from my Facebook family. Have found out that the last months blood work has shown I have HyperParathyroidism. Since, still unemployed, and was praying that I possibly could come off of the short term disability, not go on unemployment, I have no long term disability to go on too. But, with this disease process need a surgical procedure to remove the parathyroid glands diseased. We do not want to wait due to the other thyroid that is not at all connected or family to the parathyroid is diseased of years ago. But, primary reason is of the left breast cancer I had in 2003 with the left radical mastectomy I had on May 9, 2003. With the chemo therapy for a year and tablet chemo for year after that. But the crummy self paid out of pocket health insurance I have right now will not pay for a surgical procedure. It just pays for medications primarily. So as we say, I am stuck between a rock an hard place. Or, up the creek without a paddle as most Unstable Angina citizens are right now. So, the best and only way now, is to, PRAY. SO, my friends my number of PTH level for parathyroid will only climb. So we all need to pray the numbers down to a normal. I do not just tonight but, daily please. As we need to do for all who are in need for prayer and miracle from our Lord Jesus Christ. Since I had the breast cancer in the past, and have masses in the other breast, so it could be that the cancer has come out of remission and could be back. So I plead with all of you, please pray daily for my situation. I pray too my son, Dave, please, understand this is serious son, is no issue to be taken lightly. Please all place my name: Cathy Elizabeth Johnson, on your church prayer list. Only Jesus Christ has the answer of what and when needs to be done and where. My Jesus Christ will supply all the answers but, possibly THROUGH ALL YOUR PRAYERS, this is why it is so important for you all to be praying but also, for, EACHOTHER. Evrry night and day we all should see on Facebook prayer requests and then the Jesus Christ Miracles that have taken place. HIS answers to our prayers. I love you all. I thank you ahead of time for your prayers raising me up to our Lord Jesus Christ. And, will start my prayer chain line here in Florida, in my little God given home on Kurt. { Gooood morning! ) ☁☁☁☁☁☀☁☀ ☁❤❤☁❤❤☀☁ ❤❤❤❤❤☀❤☀ ❤❤❤❤☀❤❤☁ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤☁ ☁❤❤❤❤❤☁☁ ☁☀❤❤❤☁☁ ☀☁☁❤☁☁☁ ( Have a nice day ♪ }
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:31:37 +0000

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