HELP EACH OTHER ESPECIALLY WHEN SOMEONE CAN NO LONGER CARRY HIS BURDEN..!! Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books - especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day. If you are down and out, feeling lost, and without a sense of purpose, there is a book that can be the GPS to a place that you will feel at home! In every complex situation, and in every distress you have, there is a word in the bible waiting for you to read so that you can be helped through. For any question you cant seem to find the answer to, and for any situation that you cant seem to make the right choices about, God has a word for you, and he wants to bring you out. Within the opening cover and the closing covers of the bible are the solutions to the problems that every single one of us will eventually face. Read your bible every day, for it is food for your spirit, and food meant to be shared in a way that brings every single one of us together.Breathe in joy and strength, breathe out wisdom and peace. As we go through our everyday lives we must make great efforts and strides. We must learn to breath in joy and strength each day, and breath out the wisdom and knowledge we acquire in an effort to make this world as peaceful as possible. Though the air we breathe in may be full of negativity and unhappiness because of the things that the people around us breathe out, we must learn to find the areas in which the most joy and strength are, so that we may be able to breathe in these positive entities of life. Meaning, we must surround ourselves with positivity, and put ourselves in situations that cause us to grow or gain strength. Doing this will make it very easy to inspire the world with the wisdom that we have gained from our experiences, and will also make it easy to show the world how to acquire the peace within that we acquired from working hard at becoming stronger, and remaining positive and full of joy.Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. Living life is being able to see the beauty in every situation, even the most ugly of situations. For in every death in life, there is always a new birth if we choose to see it. If we choose to look at life as ugly, stressful, and so forth, we will only see the evil that life has to offer. When we continue to look at the bad, the only things we will see in our lives are things that we will consider bad. When we choose to overcome in life, we must make this commitment with all of our being, including our mind. We have to stand up and continue to live life with a positive attitude even when it seems as though things arent going nearly as well as we may like them to. If we truly take a look around, we can see that we are surrounded by the miracles of life every day.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:57:38 +0000

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