HELP FROM ABOVE By LC Jojo We all have our shares of hardships - TopicsExpress


HELP FROM ABOVE By LC Jojo We all have our shares of hardships and trials. And when all of these crop up in our lives, we cant help but be driven in a corner of solitude and brokeness. What is there in suffering? They come our way to mold us and to make us wise. The greater the problem, the more of His grace is available to us. Three times the Apostle Paul beg God to remove the thorn in his flesh, a kind of physical suffering that he underwent for quite a time. Gods reply to Paul was, my grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. When we dont understand the dealings of God, we have a tendency to bipolarize the nature of God; a God who loves us on one side, and a God who hurts us on the other side. This is something unthinkable! I myself have gone through several trials in life and one thing I have learned is, God isnt touched by our tears, instead He is touched by our faith! When the Lord Jesus said have faith in God, he actually meant, have the faith of God. It is His faith that matters. Pain conveys valuable lessons in the area of faith and these are: 1. It triggers us to seek God. It can teach us to be more persistent in prayer. 2. It brings forth absolute trust. Wholehearted dependence on God and in His words are developed. and 3. No problem is permanent. The dawn is usually preceeded by the darkest hours in our lives. The story of Job in the Bible reminds you and me of how fragile life is. Job had a reason to be happy because he was so rich and well during his lifetime. He was both a goodly man and a godly man. Until a tragedy (which God permitted from satan) struck him. This unbearable situation had brought him so much grief and had driven him on to his bended knees. He lost his livestocks, servants and more so, his children in a day! Afterwards, his whole body, from head to foot was stricken with boils. This was once a big question to me; why does God allow the righteous to suffer? And why did suffering become a part of the human race? I found the answer! Suffering originated from the fall of man and definitely not from God. But through Jesus vicarious death on the cross He defeated all the curses of the law that have resulted in sickness, poverty, calamity chaos and death! Jobs reaction was one of faith and amazing: In Job 1:21 he said, Naked I came from my mothers womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised. Job never accussed God! He maintained his integrity and continued to worship God! Remarkable faith! If we put ourselves in Jobs shoes, I just wonder if we can ever endure that cup of suffering in the same way he did. After that tremendous spiritual battle, God remembered Job and prospered him again, restored his health and gave him an offspring that made him vibrant and truly happy till his last breath! In fact, God gave Job twice as much as before! The prophet Jeremiah recalled Gods goodness: Lamentation 3:21-23, which I quote, 21 This I turn to my heart -- therefore I hope.22 It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Mercy comes from the greater to the lesser. It flows from God to man. If grace is undeserved favor, mercy is undeserved loving- kindness. When blind Barthemaeus cried out to Jesus Son of David have mercy on me; the insensitive disciples who wanted to stop him rebuked him sharply, but he cried all the more, Son of David have mercy on me! He demonstrated an exemplary faith, recognizing Jesus to be the promised Messiah Who has the power to save him at his point of need. It was this cry of faith that caused the Lord Jesus to stop for him and felt the hearbeat of this mans suffering! Jesus called him and asked him: what would you like me to do for you? to which he replied, I want to see again! Jesus replied: Go, your faith has healed you! In an instant, He was completely healed and he followed Jesus all the way! You are just a prayer away from a miracle, into experiencing Gods merciful touch! Tell Him your deepest longings. Unburden to Him your load of cares. Tell Him how much you are hurting and with faith in your heart, grab that blessing that is available to you! Help from above is on the way! 8.8.14 /jtgiii
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 04:31:52 +0000

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