HELP....LETS DISCUSS PRAYER... I have been doing a lot of - TopicsExpress


HELP....LETS DISCUSS PRAYER... I have been doing a lot of thinking about prayer, and attempting to separate the myth from reality. How many books are there out there about prayer? A lot! We read quotes about prayer and we are challenged with the responsibility of prayer every day. Let me come clean here, I am not adept at doing the traditional go in a private room and kneel by a chair for hours routine. I talk to God all during the day, when I am driving, working outside, on a walk, and during many other activities. 1) Are we more likely to get Gods help if we pray in groups? 2) If we spend hours in a private room and anguish over something will that be more likely to move God? 3) Are there special people (prayer warriors) who God is more likely to answer due to their persistence? 4) When the Bible indicates we are to persist in prayer does that mean in communicating with God, or in a specific request? 5) Does it work different for one person than another person? I have read about men like George Muller and Frank Bartleman who seemed to have very simple prayer before God. They didnt normally wrestle for hours with God, but simply brought their petition, left it there and walked away believing it was on His desk and would be handled. Like many aspects of Christianity I have thought we have transformed prayer into a thing. We have made it into its own institution. If prayer is truly talking to God, is there a specific place, physical position, or manner of speech? When the disciples were walking with Jesus, and Jesus is God, were they praying when they were speaking to Him? Odd thought! If Jesus were physically accessible to us would we get up every morning and ask Him for the same thing over and over. Would we repeat that request throughout the day? Questions, questions, questions......
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:55:21 +0000

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