**HELP WANTED** -Workout Partner[s]/Webpage-Logo Designer/Prayer - TopicsExpress


**HELP WANTED** -Workout Partner[s]/Webpage-Logo Designer/Prayer Warriors- Looking for committed workout partner[s] that are either in shape and willing to help me get back or out of shape and wanting to get in shape with me. Obviously, in the Austin area able to come here/meet there/meet in the middle and somebody that is patient enough to crawl/walk/run. I used to run 4-8 miles, mountain bike, swim, etc. a day dependent on the day of week...I EXPECT to get back there. It will take time; however, I am dedicated and need/want another to share the pain/motivate and encourage one another. I am stronger and healthier than I have been in a decade since my surgery...but, I am far from strong and healthy. I EXPECT to be. Djaingo and I; as you know, are rebuilding our lives. In that...there has been a business plan I have developed over the past couple of years cultivating the reach and popularity Fat Doggie already has into something beneficial. Beneficial in not only; prayerfully, providing for he and I, but also a very unique 501c-3 in the for profit model that will connect dogs with Veterans. This being said...I am asking for prayers and anybody that has experience with logo/web site design. Serious input only on the design part...all prayers; preferably serious, are welcome though. I have researched and know what I want...just not the knowledge to build or implement it. Considering this is a startup and Djaingo and I are just short of the soup kitchen...price is a huge consideration. As things develop...we will definitely keep everybody informed. There are several of you that will be called upon in the coming weeks; some already know who you are, and I thank you in advance and all others that will be praying for and supporting this new adventure of ours. We pray you each have an awesome week and a very Blessed Thanksgiving. Take care all and God Bless always.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 02:15:24 +0000

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