HELPING THE PRIVILAGED YOUNG FOR THE FUTURE CHALLENGES Not an easy task I agree , you have to be able do almost everything much better than these bright boys and girls to gain their respect and friendship. Our contemporary 5 years old is professional user of his or hers easily accessable mammy’s latest model telephone or iphone before learning to read and write his or her name. She can place her personal discs to the CD player and view her favoured films or play games without any supervision from grown ups . In fact our contemporary children are super smart users when it comes to the electronic gadgets . Interesting enough one does not have to supervise them on anything or at least not more than once , they somehow catch the idea on the spot . I beleive that this has to do something - somehow the catch the idea on the spot . I beleive that this has to do something - somehow the early intelligensia functions of the human brain due to high nutritional values of the baby foods and healthcare from the moment of the birth. Of course again one must not devalue the modern home envioronment full of electronic household whatnots including television , computers and lots of battery operated toys ... It is scientifically proven knowledge that intelligence can not be supervised or transferred but could only be awakened . Many young intelligent super brains happen to be passed by or downgraded within the educational system . Unfortunately because of the naive behaviour of teachers or tutors alike. Yes up to some degree we could calculate the IQ . But only IQ results does not give the complete picture . Given the opportunity of good education , surroundings , living conditions at home , nutritional awareness of the family , could easily improve to add few extra points on the IQ results . Special personalised study corner, or a simple table in a study room for the youth can be inspirational towards more time spend on the devilish homework studies . But as a rule number one, care must be practised by the parents not to be openly and carelesly demanding extra time for home studies ,but letting time instead to take care in due course . Too much or even any intervention sometimes gives unwanted results, which is the last thing we want. Patience is like V.A.T. ,will not give results immediately but in time it will come out as the most valued asset in gaining the youths respect. Second golden rule, never show or mention other youth, specially friends , cousins as established samples. Because nobody is perfect and it only gives damaging negative results to the youths psychology in general. Do not for a single moment forget that our aim is to gain this young soul not to loose it to the wilderness . Never forget that it is not your pride we are trying to save , but your fresh and and blood , your child . Beleive me, I have experienced such a trajedy through a friend of mine during th secondary school years whom at that fine age lost his mental balance never to gain it back ... It became too much burden for him to be understamented through his cousin , also in our class, whom his parents always pointed out to him as if champion of knowledge. After many many years when many of us got merried and had our children , still all alone was trying to gain his concious mind through the neurology department of the hospital .Just because his illiterate and as much ignorant parents constantly questioned him why his cousin was better than him until he lost his mental balance . Was it worthed ?! Another youth helping idea is avaliability of a book corner - preferably full of dictionaries , encyclopedias , thesaurus , geographical world maps , informative –fundamental books on history , geography , biology , physics and literature books. This helping hand will open new horizons for the young mind during homework studies . However the last decades most favorite has being the computers of all sorts, one must not understimate the power of books . Computer is a must also for the student but if used properly and professionally to achive better - faster educational targets. Thus a young mind should plan for his or her personal targets and goals , and be able to use the books and computers as a professional student . It is shamefull to see this valuable gift of technology only, or mostly, as an entertainment appliance...! If and when we can awaken the learning and researching horizons of professional young student , and we see that he or she is enthusiastically pursues knowledge , than we could be proud of the future of our youth and our educational system. Good luck boys and girls !!! NEVER LEFT BOOK READING HABITS BEHIND YOU. DON’T YOU EVER FORGET THAT IF YOU ARE NOT A GOOD READER YOU WILL NEVER BECOME A GOOD WRITER , ON YOUR PAPER WITH A PENCIL OR ON YOUR COMPUTER WITH YOUR FINGERS . ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IT IS THOSE PEOPLE WHO RUN THE GAME IN THIS WORLD WITH STRONG WRITING CAPABILITIES , AS STUDENTS , AS TEACHERS , AS SCIENTISTS , PHILISOPHERS ,TRADESMAN OR POLITICIANS , OR EVEN AS AN ORDINARY CITIZENS . . .! Always remember and practice .this golden rule . You wont .miss the benefits ... Çağlar.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 08:57:30 +0000

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