HEMP 911 - PLEASE READ NOW, ACT NOW & SHARE PLEASE send pic one - TopicsExpress


HEMP 911 - PLEASE READ NOW, ACT NOW & SHARE PLEASE send pic one of the letter option below and send to this EMAIL address TONIGHT - [email protected] – time of the essence as this is a urgent and very important issue that will be addressed by senate subcommittee members tomorrow. PLEASE TAKE 5 mins and send this letter. (read more about appropriations amendment here - huffingtonpost/2014/05/30/dea-medical-marijuana-house-vote_n_5414679.html) Thank you for your time and attention in regards to this most urgent matter. Via: Veronica Carpio & Grant D. Orvis, Ph.D., and all other hemp farmers and advocates in the USA and around the world. Please also forward and share. __________________________________ OPTION 1: Attn: CJS Senate Sub Committee Members & Full Sub Committee Members and Chair Woman, I am writing today requesting your immediate help. Tomorrow, June 3, 2014 the Senate will be debating two bills recently passed by Congress. Both regard the DEA using taxpayer funding to fight state sanctioned industrial hemp and/or medicinal marijuana programs. It is of utmost importance that these not only pass through the Senate, but are also expanded to include Native American Nations and or Tribal Councils as well as all State registered and/or licensed individuals. Did you know that millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted by the DOJ and DEA against the Native Americans, specifically the Lakota Nation in South Dakota and their attempt to grow industrial hemp? The Lakota are a sovereign people who not only have rights, but were also instructed in the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 to become farmers. It was furthermore settled that the government would back, not thwart any efforts at agriculture. Native American Nations and or Tribal Councils that have legalized cannabis must be included in any bill hereafter regarding industrial hemp . Furthermore, the Farm Bill gave rights to State Departments of Agriculture to regulate an industrial hemp research and development pilot program. The Colorado Department of Agriculture through the people of the State of Colorado has done this by registering individual private growers. The DEA has no right to interfere with private growers obtaining seeds, but they continue to try and are wasting taxpayer dollars. Therefore, a provision regarding State registered and/or licensed individuals should also be added to any bill hereafter regarding hemp. We need your help. Please go make this happen. YOUR INFO HERE ______________________________________________________ OPTION 2: Attn: CJS Senate Sub Committee Members & Full Sub Committee Members and Chair Woman, I, a US Citizen, am requesting that language be added to the current apportions bill regarding DOJ use of funds for DEA activities against legal Cannabis States (both Hemp and Marijuana) to include the Native American Nations and or Tribal Councils that have legalized cannabis as well. Millions of tax payers dollars have been wasted with DOJ actions against the Native Americans, specifically the Lakota’s in South Dakota under Bush Senior Admin. The Lakota’s were the first ones the legalize cannabis (hemp and marijuana) with the US State to follow in the years to come and current. Currently is it still remain impossible and illegal for hemp to be cultivated or processed on their land, regardless of their existing legal status of it, the passing of the farm bill which allow “states” to grow Industrial hemp and other state commercial and R&D hemp farming rules and regulations currently actively in effect in states like Colorado and Kentucky. It is of the utmost importance to include/add this language or other appropriate language while it is in the subcommittee level and full committee level over the next few day. It is both unfair and unjust to not include them. Thank you, YOUR INFO HERE _____________________ In addition, here are the subcommittee members in charge of this issue tomorrow Facebook page which would be great if they could all get some private messages from the many of us. Thanks. v Democrat Patrick J. Leahy Vermont - https://facebook/SenatorPatrickLeahy Dianne Feinstein California - https://facebook/SenatorFeinstein Jack Reed Rhode Island - https://facebook/SenJackReed Mark Pryor Arkansas - https://facebook/MarkPryor?filter=3 Mary L. Landrieu Louisiana - https://facebook/senatormarylandrieu Jeanne Shaheen New Hampshire - https://facebook/SenatorShaheen Jeff Merkley Oregon - https://facebook/jeffmerkley Chris Coons Delaware - https://facebook/senatorchriscoons & https://facebook/chriscoons Republican Mitch McConnell Kentucky - https://facebook/McConnellForSenate Lamar Alexander Tennessee - https://facebook/lamaralexander Susan Collins Maine - https://facebook/susancollins Lisa Murkowski Alaska - https://facebook/SenLisaMurkowski & https://facebook/pages/Senator-Lisa-Murkowski/264118203602699 Lindsey Graham South Carolina - https://facebook/USSenatorLindseyGraham Mark Kirk Illinois - https://facebook/SenatorKirk John Boozman Arkansas - https://facebook/JohnBoozman
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:45:01 +0000

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