HERES WHAT HAPPENED : Last Monday I noticed my breathing wasnt - TopicsExpress


HERES WHAT HAPPENED : Last Monday I noticed my breathing wasnt right for a few days. I figured it was my Asthma coming back or something like that. On Thursday while unhooking my horse trailer from the truck, I lost all my breath and nearly passed out. Late Friday the same thing happened again, but this time I didnt think I was going to make it.It was as if I could feel my life trying leave my body. Once I recovered I loaded four bags of moldy horse feed and made a mad dash to town , to switch the feed out, before the store closed. I got home and after unloading the feed ,and feeding the horses, I was shot out. I knew that something bad was wrong. I researched clogged arteries and fit all the symptoms of heart failure. After finally going to the E.R. around Saturday night, I was told that my lungs were filled with blood clots. More than they could count.The Doctor said she had never seen anything like it. There is one large clot in the main artery, called a Saddle Embolism. That one clot alone is plenty enough to kill you instantly, but I had that, plus many more. I was told that I should had been dead, and could die at any moment without warning.It was a strange filling ,but I was at perfect peace.I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and I figured that I would soon meet my child in Heaven, that Iv never seen before.The saddest part was knowing what a mess I was fixing to leave my wife in. Many other test were ran trying to figure out where they came from,in which no one still knows. Everyone was puzzled because they say I am a picture of health. I tested clear for cancer, and at this point there are no other clots anywhere in my body except behind my right knee. We are waiting on test that will tell if I am prone to clogging due to family issues, and if so, I will be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. I personally believe it all started back a couple of weeks before Easter when a horse flipped over on top of me nearly crushing my right knee. It stayed purple for a long time , but I didnt go to the doctor, because it wasnt broke. Last week while out on a horse, I felt something like fire quickly shoot through the top of my leg and I believe it was the clot braking through and making its way to my lungs. They said that clots in the lungs normally come from the legs. At this point they say that I am safe, and that the clots should dissolve over the next few weeks, and I will be on blood thinners for three, to six months. Overall I am glad all this happened, because it has brought me closer to my Lord and my wife. I dont know why it happened, if it was Satans attacks, or something that God allowed. All I know is that life is like a vapor, just as the Bible says, and Im going to cherish every day, love all people more and serve my Lord with all my being. I will keep a strong faith in God, and claim verses like Romans 8;28. It says that all things work together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to His purpose. Thank you all for praying me through, and I hope that you all have the eternal peace and assurance that I have. God Bless !
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 22:17:14 +0000

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