HI All, so the Convention proposal for the extension of the - TopicsExpress


HI All, so the Convention proposal for the extension of the migration is well underway and there has been a flurry of emails and phone calls between the directors and us at International Sable breeders Association to get our extensive data into their hands as well as to answer their questions in advance and get this proposal right and so it will pass this time around. We have signed up for a breed table and asked the Saanen breeders association if they will put their table and ours together and stand behind us as we make that proposal, and it is looking like that may happen too, but I believe they are voting on it this week at their BOD. So, I have a couple things I would like to ask all you Saanen associations members in particular. First, will you write to your NSBA directors and ask that they agree to support our motion to extend the closure of migration to 2024 to give us enough time to build our herdbook to a sustainable level? Let them hear from you so they know what their Saanen and Sable members want. It will be awefully hard for the BOD of the registrar of most of our dairy goats (we are not supposed to say the registrys name online anymore on fb I have been advised) to keep it in force if the Saanen breeders also want it changed. Which we know from our surveys that the vast majority of them do. In the past couple years we have made great strides in realizing that since this was a motion that came from just a few people and those people have been voted out or dropped out of the positions of authority over there that they once held as a result of that motion. Our questionaires and studies and surveys have shown now that the majority of Saanen breeders were unaware of it at all at the time but also that those members did not support it. It is very important that we are sensitive to the fact that there has been a big shift in that breed club who, it turns out, do not agree with what was done at all. We should all remember that as we go forward, it is our sister breed and we need to keep it all in the family and be kind and warm to each other especially in the tone of any emails or letters you may write to that club. Most of us here breed both Saanens and Sables, so that is only natural. As a major policy of ISBA I intend to close the distance between that club and ours, not increase the lines once drawn that divided us. Second, I would like to determine a good day to have a Sable Breeders Association meeting at convention. I think that all current members who want to should attend, but also non-members will be welcome as well. So I would like to know what day is good for yall. Joy and I will likely be at the Saanen breeders meeting, so were thinking sometime around the same day might be good for us. But we do have to reserve the conference room for it with the hotel, so anyone who has ideas on that please post here, email me privately or give me some idea of what you all would like to do by Friday of next week if you can so we can get that set up. Finally, I was talking with one of the directors who told me that a long time ago there was an issue regarding oberhasli and they created little button badges to give out to everyone so that you could show solidarity for the issue prior to the bod meeting by wearing it on your lapel. A kind of silent protest sort of thing. And I like the idea very much. I can imagine a bunch of us walking around with them on and making quite a display without saying a word to the directors. And even some directors have said they would wear them as well. So folks, how do we feel about that? I think we could come up with that pretty fast and at a reasonable cost if you all support the idea. If there are some artists out there who would like to create the design, I will award $40 personally for the best design submitted that we can use on a button, plus brag rights of course! I am thinking of something like two white goats with a Sable in front of them, just shadow figures, in black and white and grayscale. Joy and I will judge with Janet Cooper as tiebreaker if we dont agree. I bet we can get something pretty good from this list if you all set about it. I will wait to post it anywhere else for a few days to see if one of you comes up with something good! Talk to you soon and hope to see a lot of you at Convention! Carolyn Menzies, President, ISBA
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:05:51 +0000

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