HILLSIDE HELPS-“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS-“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high? (Ps. 113:5) In life we are always making comparisons. We ride through a new housing development in search of a house that will meet all the needs of our family. We find ourselves comparing one house to another, noting the similarities and differences. The measures we use are based on our previous knowledge of other houses. This may be a quick analysis or may involve minute details, such as the layout of the rooms, color of the carpet, pitch of the roof, number of stories, size of the lot, and realtor’s price. This process can become very stressful and somewhat confusing, especially if we have been recently transferred in our job requiring the quick sale of our previous house to free up the equity in order to make the new purchase. The more we look at houses, the more undecided we become. The world is filled with gods man can choose from. The god of man’s own choosing may be simple or complex. It may be made of wood, fancy metal, stone, or marble. It may be as vast as the stars or the planets, or as simple as a picture or trinket. These gods may be compared with one another, but none can be compared to the One True God. “Who is like unto the Lord our God?” He is unique in that His existence has been from eternity past, meaning our God had no beginning. He is “from everlasting” (Ps.90:2). All other gods are the creation of the creation. Man’s frail attempt to make their god according to the imagination of a dark and depraved human heart and limited wisdom results in something that looks like something already. IE: a bird, cow, eagle, or tree. The god designed is made like those designed want it to be. It is according to evil imaginations of the mind and heart. Our God had no architect or engineer. His existence in eternity precedes all others. Since it is certain that God has always been, it is right to conclude that He always will be. “to everlasting” (Ps 90:2). This is not to be an assumption, but a conclusion, a truth that transcends all space and time. The modern pagans of our day struggle with the same fundamental issue when they seek to develop their own god. No amount of deep thinking or intellect can change what is already true. God made man. It is simple as that. Yet, man keeps trying to make a god they can look too and live for. It is sad indeed that the Maker of all things sits on His throne in the heavens and with one glance observes the failures and sins of mankind trying to re-invent or re-create a god that will take care of their needs. There is no other god like our God. He lives and loves, reigns and rules, forgives and forgets, and acts according to His good pleasure. By His knowledge, power, and presence ,He is forever maintaining control of all of creation. He is never alarmed, afraid, or surprised. He is forever in the present acting to protect, provide, and meet any need for those who believe, love, and obey Him. God is not what men perceive Him to be. He is God, the True One, the One who is before all, over all, and in charge of all. All others are dead, deaf, powerless and distant. No amount of asking will be answered. Not one desire for relief will be met. While our God works, the dead gods sleep. Do you know your Creator? The plan is for you to know Him. The way you know Him is to come to know, God the Son, who is Jesus. The way to the Father is through the Son. Today, read and memorize John 3:16, which will tell you of His love and plan for all to “believe in Him”. (Bro Jerry) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 11:29:57 +0000

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