HIS UNSEARCHABLE GREATNESS PSALM 104:1-23 KEY VERSE: “:Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honor and majesty” (Psalm 104:1). Even though I clutch my blankets and groan when the alarm rings each morning. Thank you Lord that I can hear. There are those who are deaf. Even though I have to force my eyes open to read the bible and have my quiet time. Thank you Lord that I can see. There are those who are blind. Even though I have to drag myself to the showers, ready for the day’s work. Thank you Lord that I can move. There are those who are bedridden in the hospitals. Even though our breakfast dining table do not resemble those pictures in the magazines. Thank you Lord for something to eat. There are those who have to skip breakfast most times due to poverty. Even though my job could be more exciting and financially rewarding. Thank you Lord for the privilege of going to work every day. There are those who have no work waiting for them. Thank you Lord, for the gift of life.” – The Evangel. The quotation above captures the very heart of the Psalmist who perfectly comprehended the greatness of God and spared no effort in offering a deserved appreciation to Him. If there is any components in our prayers which pleases God most, it is praises and thanksgiving. A real child of God will praise and adore God with a grateful heart like David. David never saw the favors of God as a right, but a privilege. Ungrateful people always count their unmet needs, they never count the various interventions of God in their lives. They are always moaning about one problem, challenge or trial, which invariably are very light afflictions in comparison to other people’s challenges. In every situation, endeavor to always see the bright side of life. When you do, you will always have every cause to praise God for His goodness. Our praises to God are like an odor of sweet smell, a blessed fragrance which assails the nostrils of the Most High triggering abundant blessings for those who delight in praising God. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Praise is comely, an odor of sweet sm
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 08:48:07 +0000

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