HISTORY: Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years by - TopicsExpress


HISTORY: Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures. The first written list of herbs was compiled approximately 3,000 years ago by the Chinese. Ancient cultures of the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman writings show the use of various plants and flowers to cure ailments. Considered a alternate branch of the healing arts, aromatherapy has seen a great increase in interest around the world. Stores commonly sell scented objects such as lotions, candles, incense, and event scented pillows! There are even more new aromatherapy products being created. It is important to understand that the practice of aromatherapy is very individual. You may like one scent and hate another. It is important to experiment and try different scents and even combinations of scents to find what you really enjoy. Please read the following warnings about essential oils: Oils which ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR HOME USE include, but are not restricted to: cinnamon, clove, hyssop, and sage. Oils which SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING PREGNANCY include, but are not restricted to: basil, clove, cinnamon, fennel, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, peppermint, rosemary, sage, and white thyme. Oils which SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR STEAM FACIALS include, but are not restricted to: bay, clary sage, ginger, juniper, pine, and tea tree. Oils which are PHOTOSYNTHESIZING include, but are not restricted to: lemon, bergamot, lime, and orange. Do not go out into the sun for at least two hours after applying these oils to your skin. BATH: Adding essential oils to a bath makes the experience even more relaxing, or invigorating, than usual. Add about five drops of your favorite oil to your bathtub, or try one of the recipes listed here (after it has filled), stir the water, and soak for at least fifteen minutes. As a general rule, do not to exceed ten drops of total essential oils per bath, and try to keep it around five for maximum effectiveness. Please read all the warnings at the bottom before using. Balancing Bath: 2 d. rose oil * 2 d. neroli oil * 2 d. geranium oil. Cleansing Bath: 3 d. geranium oil * 3 d. lemon oil * 2 d. petitgrain oil. Cold/ Flu Bath: 5 d. eucalyptus * 5 d. peppermint * 4 d. lavender. Add 7 d. thyme for chest congestion. Concentrating Bath: 4 d. violet oil * 2 d. rose oil * 2 d. ylang ylang oil. Eases tension and returns concentration. Extra-Relaxing Bath: 10 d. lavender * 5 d. marjoram. To be used only right before bed. Feminine Bath: 4 d. ylang ylang * 4 d. petitgrain. Tension reliever, preferred by women. Hot Summers Day Bath: 3 d. juniper oil * 3 d. patchouli oil. Best effective in a cool bath. Insomnia Bath: 4 d. chamomile oil * 2 d. lavender oil * 4 d. neroli oil * 2 d. marjoram oil. Invigorating Bath: 3 d. bergamot oil * 3 d. petitgrain oil * 2 d. lemon oil. This bath is helpful for winter dullness. Jet-Lag Bath: 3 d. rosemary oil * 2 d. lemon oil * 2 d. frankincense oil. Masculine Bath: 2 d. bay oil * 2 d. cedarwood oil * 2 d. lemon oil. Can be applied to the skin before showering, diluted in oil. Mens Relaxing Bath: 3 d. pine oil * 2 d. chamomile oil * 2 d. lemon oil. Mental Confusion Bath I: 6 d. melissa * 4 d. bergamot * 6 d. lemon * 2 d. lemongrass * 2 d. lavender. Mental Confusion Bath II: 4 d. rosewood * 4 d. patchouli. Muscle Ache Bath: 2 d. ginger oil * 3 d. eucalyptus oil * 4 d. rosemary oil. Relieves muscle cramping and pain. No-More-Nervousness Bath: 6 d. geranium oil * 2 d. basil oil * 2 d. neroli oil. Pain-Relieving Bath: 2 d. geranium oil * 3 d. cypress oil * 2 d. lavender oil. Especially effective for relieving period cramps. PMS Bath: 3 d. lavender oil * 3 d. clary sage oil. Relaxing Bath: 2 d. lavender oil * 2 d. bergamot oil * 2 d. cedarwood oil. Relaxing Bath II: 2 d. bergamot oil * 4 d. patchouli oil * 6 d. frankincense oil. Reviving Bath: 2 d. orange oil * 2 d. frankincense oil * 2 d. geranium oil. Sensuous Bath I: 3 d. jasmine oil * 3 d. sandalwood oil * 3 d. ylang ylang oil. An intimate bath, more feminine than masculine. Sensuous Bath II: 3 d. cedarwood oil * 2 d. frankincense oil * 2 d. lime oil. Stress-relieving as well as sensuous. Shock-Reducing Bath: 4 d. cypress * 2 d. cedarwood * 2 d. sandalwood. Soothing Bath: 2 d. galbanum oil * 2 d. geranium oil * 2 d. lavender oil. Relieves anxiety and frustration. Summer Bath: 3 d. lemon oil * 3 d. rosemary oil * 3 d. peppermint oil. Most effective in a cool or lukewarm bath. Tranquilizing Before-Bed Bath: 2 d. neroli oil * 2 d. rose oil * 2 d. lavender oil * 2 d. ylang ylang oil. Flowery; good after a stressful day. Water Retention Bath: 6 d. geranium oil * 6 d. juniper oil * 6 d. cypress oil. Welcome the Weekend Bath: 2 d. geranium oil * 2 d. neroli oil * 5 d. lavender oil. FACE CARE: Essential oils can be used to treat blemishes or acne, or can be used in face masks or washes to balance and tone healthy skin. As a general rule, do not to exceed ten drops of total essential oils per ointment, and try to keep it around five for maximum effectiveness. Please read all the warnings at the bottom before using. Acne Medication: 8 d. tea tree * 6 d. bergamot * 4 d. lavender: in .75 oz of jojoba oil. Apply to face every evening, massaging around, not on, the pimple. Mix recipe with cream for daytime use (do not go into sun while using). Add a few drops of carrot oil to the mixture after sking has cleared to reduce spotting from previous breakouts. Dry Skin Wash: 10 d. sandalwood oil * 10 d. bois de rose oil * 10 d. lavender oil: in 2 tablespoons of avocado. Hair Treatment: 2 d. rosemary oil * 1 d. lavender oil * 1 d. bay oil: in 20 ml olive oil. Use as a scalp massage, or apply to hair, cover for half an hour, and shampoo as usual. Problem Skin Wash: 10 d. myrrh oil * 10 d. palmarosa oil * 10 d frankincense oil: in 1 tablespoon of Borage and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. Reviving Face Mask: 2 d. petitgrain oil * 2 d. lemon oil * 2 d. ylang ylang oil: in 20 ml of iced water. Mix with enough crushed almonds to make a paste. Apply as a face mask. Let dry, then rinse off. Suncare Blend: 14 d. lavender oil * 1 d. peppermint oil: in 4-8 oz. of cold water. Use in an atomizer on sunny days, spritzing yourself as needed. FOOT CARE: Your feet are the most abused part of your body. Especially for people who spend a good deal of their time at work on their feet, in jobs like waitressing or as a cashier, feet can become extremely sore and worn out. These recipes, coupled with massage of the foot, will restore your tired dogs to their fromer glory. As a general rule, do not to exceed ten drops of total essential oils per ointment, and try to keep it around five for maximum effectiveness. Please read all the warnings at the bottom before using. Aching Feet Massage: 2 d. chamomile oil * 2 d. eucalyptus oil: in 20 ml. of carrier oil. Use sweeping strokes and gentle circular pressing motion for optimal results. Corn and Verucca Foot Massage: 2 d. lemon oil * 3 d. tea tree oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil. Use over a period of time, rather than for one night only. Soothing Foot Massage: 4 d. lavender oil * 3 d. rosemary oil: in 20 ml. of carrier oil. Relaxes feet and refreshes fatigue. Stimulating Foot Bath: 2 d. bay oil * 2 d. ginger oil: in a large bowl of hot water. Soak feet in mixture for ten minutes. Theraputic Footbath: 4 d. lemongrass oil * 4 d. lavender oil: in a large bowl of hot water. Can also be used to control excessive persperation on the hands or feet. MASSAGE RECIPES: Perhaps the most popular way to use essential oils, massage combines the healing art of aromatherapy with the healing art of touch. Self-massage is just as effective as being massaged by another person, and lack of a partner is no excuse for not trying these relaxing recipes. Always use essential oils diluted in a carrier oil- never place them directly onto the skin. As a general rule, do not to exceed ten drops of total essential oils per mixture, and try to keep it around five for maximum effectiveness. Please read all the warnings at the bottom before using. All -Purpose Face and Neck Massage: 3 d. violet oil * 2 d. rose oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil. Add vitamin E for extra richness. Anti-Tension Massage: 2 d. petitgrain oil * 2 d. lavender oil * 2 d. sandalwood oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Especially effective on the neck, shoulders, and temples. Backache Massage: 2 d. eucalyptus oil * 2 d. lavender oil * 1 d. lemon oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Focus on areas of tension with fingertips. Bedtime Massage: 3 d. sandalwood oil * 2 d. chamomile oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil. Calming Back Massage: 4 d. ylang ylang oil * 3 d. jasmine oil * 2 d. geranium oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil. Circulation Improvement Massage: 6 d. lavender oil * 4 d. rosemary oil * 2 d. vetiver oil: in 4 oz. of sesame oil. Face and Neck Massage: 2 d. galbanum oil * 3 d. neroli oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Hand Massage: 5 d. lime oil * 5 d. thyme oil * 5 d. eucalyptus oil * 5 d. cajeput oil: in 4 tablespoons carrier oil. Leg Massage: 2 d. cypress oil * 2 d. lime oil * 1 d. lemon oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Massage on calves, using gentle pressure on varicose veins. Mature Skin Massage: 2 d. myrrh oil * 2 d. lavender oil * 2 d. neroli oil: in 20 ml wheatgerm oil. Pain-Relieving Massage: 3 d. pine oil * 3 d. eucalyptus oil * 3 d. frankincense oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Especially effective on sore joints. Relaxing Full-Body Massage: 3 d. neroli oil * 2 d jasmine oil: in 20 ml of carrier oil. Relaxing Massage: 2 d. geranium oil * 2 d. rose oil * 2 d. lavender oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Can be used effectively as a face and scalp massage. Relieves anxiety. Sensual Body Massage: 2 d. patchouli oil * 3 d. geranium oil * 3 d. rose oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Stimulating Body Rub: 1 d. peppermint oil * 1 d. myrrh oil * 2 d. lavender oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. This is an excellent winter rub. Summer Stimulating Massage: 2 d. lemongrass oil * 3 d. orange oil * 1 d. rosemary oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Good for back and shoulder massages. Uplifting Massage: 2 d. bergamot oil * 2 d. orange oil * 2 d. petitgrain oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Good early-morning body rub. Varicose Vein Massage: 2 d. lime oil * 2 d. cedarwood oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Rub lightly, using only fingertips. Wrinkled or Puffy Face Massage: 2 d. rose oil * 1 d. violet oil * 1 d. geranium oil: in 20 ml carrier oil. Rub lightly on face, using only fingertips.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 01:17:47 +0000

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