HISWORDIS WORKING ? REMAIN STEADFAST. And when the sons of the Prophet which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The Spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him”. (2 Kings 2 vs 15). As we conclude our meditation on Elisha, one thing is noteworthy: Elisha eventually came back to Jericho and the sons of the Prophet bowed to him. The same people who tried to distract him from his journey to Jordan came and bowed to him. The same people who sought to stop him in the past turned around and bowed to him. They mocked him while he was steadfastly paying the price for greatness, and when he became great, they had no option but to bow to him and acknowledge his superiority. Friend, are there people who are mocking you right now as you press towards your next level? Are there people who have seen your efforts, diligence, resilience , commitment, consistency , efficiency ,integrity, honesty etc and they imagine that you are wasting your time? Are there people who have seen your commitment, devotion and sacrifice to God, and they think you are taking it took far? Sometimes, you even imagine that they could be saying the truth?? Today, God says, they will bow to you. The same people who mocked you on account of your commitment to God will soon congratulate when God shows up on your behalf. The same people who mocked your extra efforts will see your extra results and swallow their words in shame. Don’t lose faith when men mock you for being on the right track in destiny; if you stay on track, they will come back to honour you. Don’t listen to nay-sayers, remain steadfast in your race and don’t give up! The mockery of today shall become the congratulations of tomorrow. Pray with me, “Lord, may everyone who has mocked me in destiny turn around and bow as I remain steadfast in my race in Jesus name”.Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:22:15 +0000

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