HOLLYWOOD BLACKLISTS CRUZ & BARDEM FOR SAYING iSRAEL COMMITTING GENOCIDE Having chosen to remain silent vis-à-vis Israel’s massacre of Palestinians, Hollywood has moved one step further by blacklisting the stars, who said in an open letter that Tel Aviv is committing genocide. The decision against Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz came after the Oscar-toting married couple signed an open letter, denouncing “the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army.” It is believed to have been made privately by a handful of top industry executives. The letter said Israel is stoking the conflict by “advancing on Palestinian territories instead of withdrawing to the 1967 borders.” It added, “Gaza is living through horror ... while the international community does nothing.” The latest Israeli military aggression against Gaza, which began on July 8, has claimed the lives of more than 1,900 Palestinians, including more than 400 children, and wounded about 1,000 others. The couple has invited harsh criticism from noted figures within the industry. Actor Jon Voight has called for the two to “hang your heads in shame.” He alleged they had stoked “the fire of anti-semitism.” Ryan Kavanaugh, the chief executive of Relativity Media, has also said, “As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, I know that anyone calling what’s going on in Israel ‘genocide’ [instead of] self-defence is either ignorant and shouldn’t be commenting or is truly anti-semitic.” This is while Bardem has said, My signature was solely meant as a plea for peace. Destruction and hatred only generate more hatred and destruction. I am now being labeled by some as anti-Semitic, as is my wife - which is the antithesis of who we are as human beings. We detest anti-Semitism as much as we detest the horrible and painful consequences of war. HN/SL 2441 347 3216 Related Stories: Iran cineastes condemn crimes in Gaza Comments (42)Add Comment Click Here Note: The views expressed and the links provided on our comment pages are the personal views of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Press TV. CurtainRaiser Aug 10, 2014 11:49 AM This war is now raising curtains for the whole world to make the Truth clearly visible. Click to Rate ReplyRating0 DT Aug 10, 2014 11:40 AM Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz - big respect to you both. You put humanity as your priority and we love you for it! As for Hollywood - the world would be a better place without it. Click to Rate ReplyRating4 Latin American Aug 10, 2014 10:17 AM Both actors should better move all their assets to a Brics country, perhaps Brazil, they might get confiscated . They should also move to Buenos Aires and settle here in latin América, before they suffer a car accident or similar in America . Click to Rate ReplyRating11 manuel jimenez Aug 10, 2014 7:58 AM As we can see, after all, they are not very clever, the zionist movement, there can not be said conspiracy theory, they unveil themselves as they really are, just a branch of the zionist propaganda. I never watched a Hollywood filth in my life, new all along what it was, now it has become vox populi everybody can judge it for what it represents. Click to Rate ReplyRating17 Ayelyah Aug 10, 2014 7:14 AM ...proving once again WHO owns Hollywood Click to Rate ReplyRating32 MOVIES SPEAK. Aug 10, 2014 7:4 AM Some 14 years ago I read about how Hollywood hates Arabs,and Muslims, an Arab American made research on movies which were made related to Arabs and Muslims, shockingly all gave a very negative pictures about Muslims and Arabs, and surprisingly, they were hardly any movies which protrayed Israelis as bad people.Is that a coincidence? Click to Rate ReplyRating9 Euskadian Aug 10, 2014 6:34 AM Penelope and Javier King/Queen for PAZ you got my vote.Zionist dont count what they say, with a mouth full of, lies and filth and a hart full of chicken s..t, God have mercy on Palestine. Click to Rate ReplyRating25 From Latin America to Euskadiin reply to Euskadian 8/10/2014 10:07:20 AM The time has come for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna . Cost what may . Click to Rate Rating1 Bill Lee Aug 10, 2014 4:53 AM Expose the cesspool Hollyweird for the evil that it is. Click to Rate ReplyRating31 Walter Johnson Aug 10, 2014 3:10 AM My comment is directed to Mr. Jon Voight. Sir, I respected your work as an actor up until I read about you denouncing two of your fellow actors for their stance against the illegal Israeli assault on Gaza. Israel has stoked its own fires of anti-Semitism with its repeated barbaric treatment of the indigenous people of Palestine. If you can look upon the pictures of the children/victims of this conflict and still show support for Israel, then you sir, are spawned from the same substance as your Zionist friends. I will never view a film that has you in it again. Click to Rate ReplyRating29 Mike Aug 10, 2014 2:26 AM Kavanaugh? Thats an Irish name. Must be a self-hating Jew in his own right to not have a Jewish last name. That aside, the one who is totally ignorant of the facts are he and Jon Voight. Click to Rate ReplyRating37 Renein reply to Mike 8/10/2014 3:56:59 AM What with Jews with Irish names? Are they coming out of the woodwork? John Voight. Arrow Downnn.. Click to Rate Rating10 High Five to the both Aug 10, 2014 1:44 AM Before reading this important report,I was expected to see Angelina Jolie to show her concern over Gaza massacre since she is good will ambassador to UNHCR and her visit to Pakistan and Afghanistan in the past with modest appearance and having head scarf to respect to local community was intersting particularly with her husband they donated $100.000 to government of Pakistan for victims of flood I guess....,but today this news not only the couple surprised the world,they however acted just like ambassador,and I personally salute them for their critique to Israel which is a big slap to Zio/Holly Wood. Click to Rate ReplyRating49 Brazilianin reply to High Five to the both 8/10/2014 10:21:25 AM Jolie means beautiful in French . What taste for a name : Angelina Beautiful Voight . Click to Rate Rating3 @High Five to the bothin reply to High Five to the both 8/10/2014 5:23:40 AM Angelina Jolie’s born name is Angelina Jolie Voight. She is the daughter of Jon Voight, the very same actor Jon Voight mentioned in this article who has called for the two brave people to “hang your heads in shame” and has alleged they had stoked “the fire of anti-semitism.” Click to Rate Rating18 Boycott Hollywoodin reply to High Five to the both 8/10/2014 5:17:04 AM Jon Voight is Angelina Jolies father. Apples dont fall far from the tree! Click to Rate Rating17 That Heroine Junkiein reply to High Five to the both 8/10/2014 3:15:07 AM Angelina Demolina Jolie is a heroine junkie , she´s too busy taking her methadone. Click to Rate Rating14 Jeff Aug 10, 2014 1:14 AM God damn the zionists black-list! Who needs it?! The two celebrities did the RIGHT THING!! That is worth all the gold in the world!! They can sleep at night knowing they are on the side of right; not wrong. Its that simple. Click to Rate ReplyRating63 Michael Rivero Aug 10, 2014 12:47 AM Jewish control of Hollywood, so long dismissed as an anti-semitic conspiracy theory, is now fully on display to the entire world!Time to add Hollywood to the BDS list of boycotts. Click to Rate ReplyRating72 franhbasd@aol Aug 9, 2014 10:31 PM i am very proud that people like these are standing up against aggression of nazis like regime what it is Israel and its armies today and have been since longest time.....people need to stend up to injustice and those responsible for slougther and killing of 400 kids, and 1500 civilians in Gaza and are doing it just because they fill like it, must answer to international justice,like in Nuremberg trials;....if that does not happened than world order is in question and people around the world and people everywhere must ask them selves who is Israel army and what they stand for.... Click to Rate ReplyRating51 Peter Wicks Aug 9, 2014 10:20 PM I am old enough to remember the “witch-hunts” and fear of communism in America that became known as McCarthyism and the hounding of Larry Parks and Paul Robeson who were forced to flee their home land in the 1950s.Now a bunch of rabid Nazi Zionists are stirring the crap for some really truthful outspoken great actors who dare criticize the vile actions of Israeli gung-ho politicians and ill-disciplined soldiers who in truth should be put on trail for war crimes in Palestine Click to Rate ReplyRating83 Death to Hollywood and Cannes ! Aug 9, 2014 9:37 PM Welcome Chinese, Iranian, Brazilian, Argentine, all non-Western film-making : soon, in all cinemas near you . The West is so broke, soon they will no longer afford producing films . Click to Rate ReplyRating59 Anonymousin reply to Death to Hollywood and Cannes ! 8/10/2014 6:08:56 AM Hollywood is an indispensable propaganda behemoth.It is too important to die. If necessary the green buck printing machine will make a few billion dollars just to save it. Click to Rate Rating12 Hadi Taheri Aug 9, 2014 9:31 PM One must be naive to think Hollywood would side with oppressed and brutally vicimized Palestinians by criminal Zionists occupiers whose only difference with Hitler is that they are the 21st century Nazis, and are equal to ISIL terrorists that their brain frozen in past. Hollywood must be ashamed of itself when the entire world sees the genocide in Palestine by Israel, they see it as self defense. Shame on Hollywood and lets boycott Hollywood ,as they do not deserve the rich life style we as consumers provide for them. Click to Rate ReplyRating21 Big Deal Aug 9, 2014 9:24 PM These actors are very popular among Latin Americans and Europeans; who needs hollywierd?! Click to Rate ReplyRating69 @ Redpossum from Brazilin reply to Big Deal 8/9/2014 11:04:34 PM Viva Cinema Argentino ! We are brothers in South America . We are UNO ! Saludos desde Rio de Janeiro. Death to the Great Satan in cinema, as in life . Click to Rate Rating24 Redpossumin reply to Big Deal 8/9/2014 10:36:32 PM Absolutely! Let them come to Argentina, where they will be welcomed with open arms. We have a thriving film industry here, and a vitally fresh approach to cinema. Click to Rate Rating46 Latin American Moviegoer Aug 9, 2014 9:20 PM Penélope Cruz became a star with ZERO NEED of Hollywood . She is a star on her merit from working in Spanish language for Spain´s film director Almodóvar, so who cares about Hollywood . So as to Javier Barden, the same is the case, he is a star on his merits in the Spanish language and both will always be starts for 440 mn Latin Americans . Anglo Américas are so so broke, soon they will not afford going to the Cinema, both actors will always be OK , Latin American moviegoers will always keep them the stars the have become with ZERO need for an Oscar, the Goya Awards have more talent and less marketing when real art matters, instead of Hollywood endoctrination passing for art. Click to Rate ReplyRating70 Ashraf Aug 9, 2014 9:3 PM .....SMART .......Compassionate Stars like Penelope Cruz & her husband Javier Bardem bring some RESPECT to Hollywood....... Instead of bunch of DRUG addicts......NARSISTIC Zionits JEWS who are in POCKETS of Israel & serves Corporate......& interests of me& myself & I x millions times over ........Way to go!!.......United Humanity Will Stand! Click to Rate ReplyRating63 Hans Aug 9, 2014 8:57 PM Zionist Hollywood doing it again; hats off to this brave couple for telling the truth. Click to Rate ReplyRating81 Stewart Hume(Blacklisted Electrician) Aug 9, 2014 8:42 PM Back to the days of McArthyism! Here in the UK us construction workers call it McAlpinism! End the blacklists! Blacklisted for speaking the truth and trying to protect the innocents. Corrupt governments on both sides of the Atlantic who are up to their necks in Zionism. Solidarity to all those blacklisted across the globe for being true to their beliefs and principles and standing up to corporate and political corruption! Click to Rate ReplyRating53 Ashrafin reply to Stewart Hume(Blacklisted Electrician) 8/9/2014 10:55:07 PM .....2 Stewart Hume(Blacklisted Electrician).......Zionists LOVE their black lists........They have done it for ALL professions........They are EXPERTS....they did during Mohammed (PBUH)......When individuals converting to Islam ( by the tribes of ignorance possibly Saudi types).......They PROHIBITED anyone to Mary or buy or have ANY business with MUSLIMS, so to STOP conversion to Islam ........Look what happened.... Islam is the second largest religion in the WORLD.......The zionists keep putting EVERYONE who STANDUP for JUSTICE on their black lists........Soon, the ENTIRE world be on their black list!!..,... Shameless. .....ARROGANT ......Traitors to humanity!.....We ALL should have them on our OWN black list......NO BUSINESS OR ANY KIND of relations with these ABOVE THE LAW ENTITY.......& ALL ITS SUPPORTERS! Click to Rate Rating14 Andreas Aug 9, 2014 7:4 PM In America, perverse and violent forms entertainment, notably Hollywood movies and pro sports, have become more important than anything else, including education and religion.An actor or an athlete will likely make more money in one year than my entire neighborhood will make in a lifetime, for example, and I live in a middle class neighborhood. Ever since this has been the case, American society has slowly but surely started to deteriorate.Thank goodness there are countries, such as Iran, that have taken a different approach to the 21st century. Click to Rate ReplyRating18 James Aug 9, 2014 3:47 PM Just read the documentary book called Hollywood, empire of their own, it will explain a lot as what happened to America and coming of Hollywood. Click to Rate ReplyRating45 Boycott Hollywood Aug 9, 2014 3:36 PM Peace loving people need to boycott Zionist Hollywood. It is full of Israel-loving, bloodthirsty, genocidal maniacs who dont deserve any respect or acclamation. Most of them dont have any talent anyway and their movies are rubbish! Click to Rate ReplyRating88 HollYahoodin reply to Boycott Hollywood 8/10/2014 2:31:14 AM Honestly most British Films, Actors are mindless utter rubbish compared to Hollywood. British Cinema is just a wanna be like Indian Bollywood. Click to Rate Rating5 jo neace krausein reply to Boycott Hollywood 8/9/2014 11:18:13 PM Hollywood has produced nothing compared to the great British or other foreign films since Bogie and Bacall, just mindless car chases and shoot outs. Naomi Watts and Edward Norton in The Painted Vail was produced by Watts and Norton, a great independent work of art. Click to Rate Rating15 Latin Americanin reply to Boycott Hollywood 8/9/2014 9:23:43 PM Done by a few, soon to be followed by the many . I do not watch a single film made in the English language altogether . If it´s dubbed on TV, I switch the TV off . Click to Rate Rating22 UK Homo Sap.in reply to Boycott Hollywood 8/9/2014 4:22:00 PM Mr. Midnight Cowboy Voight has previously come out as a rabid rattler for zioland. Click to Rate Rating56 Sean Aug 9, 2014 3:30 PM there is a reason why it is called Jewllywood! Click to Rate ReplyRating65 Norry Aug 9, 2014 3:20 PM The Jews own and control Hollywood,it has been a major propaganda tool for the zionists since very early on. Both of these actors are products of hollywood but they obviously dont know who pays them millions of dollars to pretend to be someone else. Click to Rate ReplyRating45 Munain reply to Norry 8/9/2014 9:35:29 PM They were rich before they came to America! They dont need to kiss up to the Jews in Hollywood like the rest of them! They have been famous way before they came to Hollywood! Why do you think they ate speaking their minds???? 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Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 11:55:22 +0000

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