HOLY BOOK (PUNYA PUNTHI) The Ninth Day : 5th Shrabana, B.S. - TopicsExpress


HOLY BOOK (PUNYA PUNTHI) The Ninth Day : 5th Shrabana, B.S. 1321 Can knowledge of Brahman be had of perusal of books alone ? It may produce some faith or intellectual understanding. Direct intuitive perception of Brahman has to be effected. It is to be perceived that I am none other then Brahman. We do not achieve anything worth-while till we do have this actual realization. It is a veritable living reality, whether you feel it or not. You yourself are Brahman, you yourself are the Supreme Self, it is you who are illusion—can’t you remove the differentiating screen ? You have deluded yourself into thinking that you are the body and the mind. No, no, no, you are verily the soul, you yourself are the Supreme Brahman—you can obtain this realization, if you have the least will therefore. Have you seen the herons ? They linger in marshy land, as if they are oblivious of themselves. But as soon as they find a fish, they swallow it instantly. Have you watched the behaviour of ants ? They are given to iudefatigueable labour. You will have to imbibe their habit. (2) Yes ! What you think is correct. If you seek to acquire knowledge, some knowledge or secular learning is needful, i.e., you should have some formal education. There is many a great man; we should follow them as ideal. Have you not heard the Proverb—‘Hanuman’s stealing of cloth?’ On the one hand, he was a dweller in forest, moreover he was a great devotee, did he require any cloth ? So they speak of his stealing, meaning thereby that it is something utterly improbable and unbelievable. So attainment of knowledge by a foolish person is hardly possible. He who maintains even mindedness both in happiness and misery, who does not lose his balance in pleasure and comfort, nor is overwhelmed by sorrow is verily an embodiment of existence, consciousness and bliss. Happiness and misery serve the purpose of litmus paper. It is to be tasted with litmus paper if the colour of anything undergoes any change under specific condition. (3) Even if people who are exceedingly fickle once join Kirtan, their fickleness is driven away and they normally take to a contemplative course of life. Just cultivate the benign habit of thinking of Brahman unceasingly. A man becomes Brahman by constant thought of Brahman. Silkworm forms cocoon i.e., ball of silk by exuding its own secretion. But the intelligent worms burst asunder the ball they give shape to and release themselves at the appropriate hour. It just a matter of cutting the silken insulation by shaking of indolence. Have you seen mango ? Its colour undergoes a change when it ripens. But there are some mangoes with deceptive colour. Their maturity cannot be ascertained by seeing their colour. It cannot be determined without handling them properly. In order to detect it they should be pressed with hand, smelt and peeled. He who is foolish throws away the mangoes by seeing the colour of its skin. He lacks the luck of eating the mangoes. (4) The worms that grow in mangoes are of the same variety. The worms that are found in milk and human extract are the same. But after touching the worm of milk or mangoes we do not have to make ablutions for our purification but why do we require to take a bath in case we come in direct contact with the worm originating in faces ? This discriminatory attitude and egoistic attitude is the offspring of knowledge arising out of ignorance. It is mind alone that makes us happy or miserable. The sense of pleasure and pain owes its existence to mind. Where there is no mind, thither is neither joy nor sorrow. (5) Have you seen a spider ? It spins the cobweb industriously and reposes inside it quietly. Then it does not require to toil. Can men afford to desist from work, if he does not strive hard at the outset ? It is to be taken for granted that man is a prey to propensities. These propensities have got to be rid of by giving them a legitimate outlet and by channeling them towards abstention. (6) Work may be divided into two groups, work out of freedom and work out of bondage. The work that involves egoistic consciousness and a sense of my ness in relation to family and children as also a boastful resolve to feed and protect all the dependants may be called a species of work sprouting from a fettered state of existence. And the performance of duty attended with a spirit of surrender that makes the ideal predominant in every respect and glorifies and magnifies him likening one’s own self to be just am instrument in his hands, may be termed the kind of work that flows from freedom and concentric fulfilling zeal. (7) Self-realization results spontaneously from the act of employing our love on all things and beings of universe. “Thou art that.” It is to be constantly discriminated that I am not the body, not the mind, nor the sense organs. In course of persistent analytical pursuit, the ultimate truth is revealed to us. I myself am Brahma, I myself am Vishnu, I myself am Indra, it is I that am Shiva, I am Shiva, I am Shiva, I am Shiva. I am Brahma, I am Vishnu. I am Shiva. I am the sense organs. I am the mind. I am intelligence. I am illusion. I am the soul, I am the Supreme Soul. I am all that exists. If I cease to exist, it makes no difference whether the world exists or becomes extinct. (8) You are to love one and all with the exuberance of your whole soul, Can’t you love ? Can’t you love your-self ? You are all that exists. It is you who dwell in each and every leaf, in the Sun, in the Moon, in the Stars; you are verily the Supreme Self. You are the abode of Supreme Brahman. How is it possible for you not to love your own self ? Do unfasten your bonds. Untied them and behold the universal form. Wherein does the whole of creation get merged ? Indeed it dissolves in me ! My love knows no bounds. The world cannot endure bereft of me. If you desire to understand me, cogitate on the identity of God. It is God or Supreme Self alone that fills the totality of existence. See everything as such then you will become an embodiment of the realization—all that exists is verily Brahman. Just reason and ransack—“Who am I ? Who am I ?” And you will be able to discern everything. Endeavour to do away with gloom and dullness. It brings in inertness and immobility. It alone binds people. Whenever you feel like doing anything worth doing, accomplish it then and there. Put your whole soul in the task you take up, never buzz of from it. Think of others, realize the fact that none is separate from you, to think of others is to think in the interest of self. Start embracing and caressing other people’s children, addressing their mother as mother, adorning their daughters with ornaments, then you will feel that the whole world has become filled up with Brahman. Then you will apprehend that you are all and all belong to you. (9) I am yours. I shall carry you along on my shoulder and back. You possess terrific igniting force; the whole universe will be set ablaze with soaring flames by the impact of it. If you think someone to be alive, he will be suffused with life. If you declare anyone to be dead, he will be actually so. If you happen to consider a man as dead, how can he remain alive ? Whatever you think about will materialize. How will you understand ? When your veil will be removed, when you will attain complete absorption in your higher self, the earth and welkin will reveal their true likeness in an unrestricted way. Everything is inherent in you. When your real vision will dawn, you will understand everything in its true perspective. Go to them with simple faith welling up from within your heart, it will be fruitful in many ways. Just see who I am. I am indeed none other than you. So long as I am with you what reason do you have to worry ? When you will dissolve in the infinite, then where will the world subsist ? What does it matter to you, if the world lasts or comes to an end ? See the loathsome mouth of formidable king of death wide agape. Everything is running towards the culminating point in a meteoric speed. Watch them rolling along briskly towards the eternal goal. All are hastening to lose their individually in the Supreme Self. (10) (to be continued........)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 06:40:58 +0000

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