HOMEOPATHY REMEDY OF THE DAY: BACILLINUM BURNETT Allen HC: The Materia Medica of some Important Nosodes Mind: Taciturn, sulky, snappish, fretty, irritable, morose, depressed and melancholic even to insanity. Fretful ailing, whines and complains, mind given to be frightened, particularly by dogs. Clinical Uses, Clarke J.H. Dictionary of Practical MM. Addisons disease, alopecia, consumptiveness, growth, defective hydrocephalus, Idiocy, insanity, joints affections. pityriasis ringworm, scrofulous glands, teeth defective, pitted, Tuberculosis. Characteristics: In the provings a severe headache, deep in agg. by motion, was a constant symptom, also a slight cough with easy expectoration of phlegm. Acute tuberculosis cases, Dr. Cartier used it in cases with excessive muco- purulent bronchial secretion threatening to occlude the lungs. Dr. Burnett has shown that ringworm of the scalp and pityriasis versicolor on the body are indications of tubercular diathesis and they respond to this remedy, also they are leading indications for it when present in combi nation with other affections. A case of insanity with pityriasis yielded rapidly to the remedy. Pityriasis has been cured by it when all attempts to kill the body- lice by parasiticides were useless. Dr. Young has recorded the cure of several cretinous idiots, and in patients with family history of chest affections. I have found an eczematous conditions of the margins of the eyelids a strong indication for it. agg. at night and early morning. agg. by cold air, Calc phos, goes with this remedy very well so does Lachesis, and Kali C, No antidotes known by Dr. Dr. Patak S.R. Materia Medica Nosode prepared from tuverculous sputum, or pus from the infected lung indicated in catarrhal conditions, of the lungs when bronchorrhea and dyspnea are present. Constant disposition to take cold, tubercular meningitis, lands of the neck enlarged and tender. useful as an intercurrent remedy. Mohanty N. Text Book of Hmeopathic M. M. Constitution: Specially adapted to the light complexioned narrow-chest subject with blue eyes, who are tall, slim and active, but rapidly emaciate especially children, persons who are precocious mentally, but weak physically. 2. temperament, nervous persons with the tubercular soil 3. Miasm: Psora is in the backround 4. Diathesis: Tuvervular and scrofulus diathesis ravenous appetire with emaciation, aversion to food with hunger, thirst for small quantities of water,. 1 min · Friends Report
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:47:26 +0000

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