HON.ACAROUS MOSES GRAY (A MONUMENT OF INTOLERANCE A CRITICAL ANALYSES ON HIS ANTI DEMOCRATIC ROLE IN OUR CONTEMPORARY POLITICS) As the beauty of democracy entails; a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people in their right minds to ably represent them with regards to their social contract consensus. Unlike in Liberia where many of our emerging political practitioners have radically adhered to operating on the flipside of such universally guaranteed documents that gear to protecting the rights of every citizen irrespective of one’s religious, tribal or, sociopolitical identity. In the meanwhile, it is also legally backed by article 81 of our constitution which states “Any citizen, political party, organization or association, being resident in Liberia, of Liberian nationality or origin, and not otherwise disqualified under the provisions of this constitution and laws of the land, shall have the right to canvass for the votes for any political party, or candidate at any election in exclusion of corporate and business organizations in such endeavor” Ignorantly, many of those hustlers who call themselves political actors or activists who find themselves in the field of our contemporary politics have found it tedious to understanding the modus operandise of democratic tolerance thus creating the conduit to masquerade the corridors of our political landscape with a dozen of falsehood, snobbism, insensitivity as well invectives to be used on people who disagree with their barbaric ideologies. In fact one of the Liberian political mosaics is that, when you are in an absolute disagreement with their flip flop and purported ideologies based on their incalculable limitations they comically characterize you as quote on quote traitor, belly-driven, character under carpet, integrity marketer something that create laughers, but when you unknowing adhere to their radical, diabolic, sycophantic and barbaric belief you are inarguably called a masses leaders. However, this is a critical scenario of Hon. Acarous Moses Gray who has seen intolerance as a pleasure to abusing the democratic franchise of others in terms of making political decisions something that does not represent the character a lawmaker. For instance; a comrade Ideologue, Certified Public Discussant (CPD) Adu Dorley support to Hon. Robert Alvin Sirleaf in his crest to ably represent the views and aspirations of the people of Montserrado County in terms of our geopolitics was vehemently resisted by Hon. Gray and then urged him to support an unprepared political leader. Nevertheless, it is at my knowledge that Comrade Dorley resigned from the Office of Hon. Gray as Youth Advisor before having the exuberance to heavily support Hon. Robert Sirleaf’s endeavors. But Hon. Gray who has been an intolerant leader, saw that as an affront thus creating an unsaved environment for Comrade Adu in his district which led to him ordering his political slaves one little known barbarian called Lansana Sarnor to insult and assault Adu and then threatened by Gray and Sarnor that he will be eliminated subsequently if he continues canvass for Hon. Sirleaf. I think this need to be taken serious though 3.8 million people remain not flabbergasted by his radicalism but he must desist from making lackadaisical comments against peaceful citizens. Moreover, am intelligently informed that prior to Adu augmenting his political endeavor to the first branch of government, it was a consensus between Adu and Hon. Gray that they would disregard political differences and amalgamate ideas that will best suit the interest of the people to whom he now represents at the parliament. But based on his failure to properly represent the people District number 8 Montserrado County, Comrade Adu deemed it expedient to discontinue his pro bono services as a Youth Adviser in his office. Again another victim of his political casualty is Comrade Jowel Alma Hansford who supported Hon. Gray previously in justed ended elections was ordered flocked by Hon. Gray and some members of his CDC Sabu Unit. Conclusively, the relevant authority has been engaged by his unwarranted acts and then planning to take legal action against him.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:58:16 +0000

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