HON YAKUBU JANG: A patriot Regardless what many may choose to - TopicsExpress


HON YAKUBU JANG: A patriot Regardless what many may choose to believe, it was hard to convice Yaks Jang to accept the appointment of SA Special Duties. Today after reflecting at the decision am proud that it was worth it. I will in open discuss reflect my encounter with Yaks Jang as a public servant. His entry coincided with government desire to automate service delevery as a way of efficient service and cost saving initiative. Yaks came up with a brilliant approach of assembling young IT technocrats most of whom are state indigenes into a state ICT committee. He could have opted for a contrators approach to make financial gains but NO Sir! The ICT committee which yours sincerely is a member, recommended amongst others a phase automation starting with the State Board of Internal Revenue. Yaks was a key facilitator of that project and today the story of the Board is different. Positively! Yaks Jang played a vital role to ensure the success recorded so far with the centralisation of salary. Note that this is the fourth attempt since Gov Dariye to automate the salary and noting that previous attempts failed woefully. For the record, the shortfall of the biometric exercise is not tied to technology but to the clearance process which is not a function of the ICT committee. The ICT committee recommend an elaborate state mega data bank initiative which would afford the storage of state data records within a secured framework to be access via a private state owned fibre wide area network link. Note that contractors submitted bids far above N5b for a fraction of the above solution. Yaks was a forerunner in objecting to this contractual approach by opting for a direct labour implementation that today is costing the state less than a billion Naira to implement. He as well championed the establishment of the State ICT Development Agency to supervises the implementation of the state wide area network as well as offer support to all MDAs on ICT matters. Again Yaks Jang was behind the initiative to annually train 200 graduates for 3months in ICT out of whom best 5-10% of them gets automatic employment into the state ICT agency and the others not only get skills but form a pool of IT expert for outsourcing needs. At the moment 400 graduates had benefitted. Singnificatly too to Yaks credit and his appointment to overseeing MOLSTP, he was a facilitator to implementing a mega project initiative known as State PLAGIS project. Just like the Internal Revenue automation, Mins of lands required full automation to enjoy the gains of land management and resource allocation which prio to the formation of the ICT committee was contracted to an Isrelie company Silvans with disappointing result. Yaks came to the rescure again with a creative approach that in ongoing and is in a critical stage of implementation. Note that this project was supervised by Yaks and Commissioner. Now that the MOLSTP Commissioner was nominated as Deputy Governor candidate, what would you expect? Like it or not, he is better suited to over see that ministry. Why is Yaks Jang resonating the kind of reactions we get? Simple answer is because he is the son of the Governor. If it was Hon Adamu Bala from Mangu overseeing ministry of Youths Affairs for instance, It never would create this unnecessary noice? Another answer was that this is a political era and Yaks overseeing the MOLSTP is ill timed and offer advantage to GNS. The question is how? Some other answers were that this is furthering a much mentioned adage Berom Agenda What Agenda would that be in MOLSTP? The most useless answer is that it established the truth in furthering the implementation of the purported wickedly crafted and circulated paper said to be a DU Declaration. Assuming that this is true, the declation as stated was that GNS was to implement the appointments. Should we now believe that Gov. JANG has already lost faith in GNS to implement the accord that he has started implementing it himself by appointing Yaks to oversee MOLSTP? It piss me to see that wicked people can craft out conspiracy theories to the level me see today on the plateau and some men of God are even beginning to question their conviction on what truth actually is. When Yaks Jang was busy working saving the state billions, many of the political pundits careless and when his work earn him the respect of the Governor, its reduced as an undue favour. I had many encounters with people online that posted perceived concern on the ongoing SUBEB staff audit claiming all kinds of suffering metted to their relatives or wards. When I invited them for followup, many dont even show up while the few that did, you find out that their ward appointment was since terminated. Today in view of the political rasmatazz and hulabaloo many pundits are lazying around with their phones posting nonsense. Not that they care for the staff with salary issues but hoping for perceived political gains by scandalisation. What a sadistics way to go! I challenge anyone to feel free and visit the LGSC where the staff clearance takes place, you would find out that the staff work hard mondays to Saturdays including some sundays. Same situation applied to Yaks Jang, no one worth his onion will deny the positive contribution of Yaks in Government service deliverables but for a fact he is the Governors son he should not be appreciated nor rewarded where need be. In the case in question, this is not a reward but a quest for a completion of a vital ongoing project which he and the commissioner were coordinating. I know the kind of response this submission will get from these lazying pundits. They would attack the submission because am berom by inclination or that am in government. Some would rather focus on my english, punctuations, syntax or grammar. Very convenient I would say. If plateau state must move forward the inclusive growth direction Gov. Jang has layed the foundation, we must align with the dictate and 70th birthday message offered by his grace the Reverend Bishop Kwashi on behave of Plateau people to the governor on a pulpit with national television coverage. The message was simple! that Gov Jang should look amongst his people that worked with him and choose a person regardless of ethnic, religious or geographical barriers even if its his son to continue the redemption project. So if his son has a service to offer we rather not? Today! no wonder all the aspirants for Governor in the PDP uses a phrase with redemption signature in it. Eg redemption continue, redemption plus, redeeption... etc. It is common knowledge that plateau people associate with the redemption and what many dont know is that its the likes of GNS, Yaks, the commissioners, and many public workers in government that makes the redemption WORKS! That golden message by His Grace Bishop Kwashi should be the rallying ground of our collective aspirations. We need to move forward and let Yaks Jang be! Let all those lazy politicians wake up by selling an agenda not castigating serious working patriot. GOD BLESS PLATEAU
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:27:49 +0000

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