HOSTILE AGGRESSIVE PARENTING & PARENTAL ALIENATION In some severe cases of Hostile-Aggressive Parenting, the hostile-aggressive parent may have been successful in implanting Parental Alienation in the child to the point where the child may express severe animosity, fear or even hate towards the non-custodial parent. In some cases, children will literally run away or hide should they accidentally meet the alienated parent in public such as on a street, a store or at the childs school. This reaction in children can be very misleading to those without knowledge of parental alienation and the brainwashing of children by hostile-aggressive parents. To those without knowledge, it could lead them to believe that the non-custodial parent is actually a bad parent or has abused the child. Persons who witness a child, especially a young child speak very badly of another parent should consider the possibility that the child may be the victim of brainwashing. It is not normal for ANY child to express strong animosity toward a parent without very clear and understandable reasons. Should the child’s animosity be directed towards a non-custodial parent, then this is usually further evidence that the custodial parent may be responsible for the child’s hate of the other parent. When children are carefully questioned however for details of why they hate their parent so much, that is when the truth usually starts to become apparent. Seldom can children provide specifics to why they feel the way they do and only given general statements such as “ he/she used to hit me” or “he/she was mean to me” Parental alienation can be suspected when interviewers start to ask for specifics and the child’s recollection is vague or inconsistent. The pattern of the parent’s behaviours may also help one to determine if the child’s reaction is justified or if this behaviour has been implanted in the child by the custodial parent.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 23:45:04 +0000

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