HOW CAN THIS BE??? ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PEACE!!! THATS WHAT THEY KEEP TELLING US!!! DOES THIS LOOK PEACEFUL TO YOU!!! Subject: Fw: Christians being executed EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!!!!! This is what we get from a weak Chicago street urchin….. These animals are the lowest of low life form. This is how Google translates the caption on the web page. I would not advise you to watch it if you’re squeamish, but on the other hand if you support the Muslim way of life or anyone who does support them, then please watch it because this is real life. Some of you are living in a fantasy land where you believe that we can sit down to lunch with these people and work out our differences. Yeah, right! Google: Executed, though a t? Totally inadequate for what a real genocide rmino. It is the dramatic and tragic of Syrian soldiers guarding the Kindi hospital in Aleppo destination. An Islamic suicide bomber? Mico is immolate in hospital, below, some of the soldiers, identified as Christians, were taken prisoner by the so called Free Syrian Army and Fans of Al-Nusra played, and executed with a gun head. WARNING---- DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO, IF YOU CAN’T STAND TO SEE MULTIPLE PEOPLE SUMMARILY EXECUTED BY BEING SHOT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD!!!!! IF THIS DOESN’T DRIVE HOME WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE REAL WORLD AND THE RISKS WE FACE IN PRESERVING OUR VALUES AND WAY OF LIFE FROM ISLAM, THEN NOTHING WILL. I HOPE HELL IS BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL OF THEM.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:12:10 +0000

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