HOW CAN WE ESCAPE FROM HEART ATTACK AND STROKE Before we get into this topic, we got to fully understand Kidney Stone. Small granules of calcium, iron and other insoluble minerals circulating in the blood vessels are accumulated in the Kidney during the process of filtration of urine from the blood. This mineral sediment (stone) is likely to make injury to the blood vessel and as such, it is fully COVERED WITH CHOLESTEROL. This kidney stone is being removed through various treatments. This can also be melted (chelation) by using herbs or Homeo medicines. These medicines are chelating agents and its power to melt calcium is very limited and hence these herbs should never come in contact with metals (spoon or tumbler) before it is fed to the patient. Before starting the chelation treatment the stone so formed is got to be exposed to the medicine and hence the cholesterol covering the stone (block) got to be melted. VIT E is known as the best and cheap medicine to melt fat(cholesterol). During the process of treatment total 6 Vitamin E(400iu) is to be consumed (2-2-2) per day. Once the cholesterol is melted,….. the stone is likely to make injury in the blood vessel and as such to heal such injury adequate VIT C (1-1-1) is to be taken without fail. The patient is lucky if such sediment (stone) is accumulated in the kidney which can easily be removed through operation. If such granules are accumulated in the heart, which will create heart attack or such block in brain can cause stroke. As said earlier, these granules are also covered with cholesterol and that could be the reason why medical science has put cholesterol in the hit list. Cholesterol never hardens at body temperature and it is an internal production of human body. Every other concepts are wrong and misleading and doctors from all over the world have difference of opinion. Such accumulation of calcium granules in heart/brain/anywhere in body can easily be melted through the above mentioned procedure. The second and most common cause of heart attack ( SILENT ATTACK) and STROKE is due to the squeezing of blood vessels. A diabetic patient has a cold body and hence the frequency of urination is very high. Due to frequent urination the water content in the blood drastically reduces. This low volume of blood for long period causes the artery to become rigid and hence the BP shoots up. Blood flow through the heart, brain and the whole body virtually stops after long period and the patient falls due to death/stroke. These highly squeezed blood vessels cannot become flexible so easily. If blood thinning chemicals such as ASPIRIN is taken regularly, STOP IT, because the continuous use of Aspirin causes blood vessels to become so delicate and hence water therapy is likely to create internal bleeding. Slow and steady process of increase in water intake will surely solve the problem. Such heart patients cannot take more water. Because of rigid blood vessels, the body cannot absorb more water and hence the patient is likely to omit. As and when the patient passes urine ask him/her to drink double the quantity of water. Mild hot water is the best. When more water is taken by the patient, the BP is likely to increase due to rise in volume of blood….. but needn’t worry because after a specific period the water is drained out as urine and BP will normalise.. Till that period this water will give elasticity to the artery/nerve. HIGH BP IS NOT A DISEASE. IT IS ONLY A WARNING SIGNAL WHICH SHOWS THERE IS RESISTANCE IN THE BLOOD FLOW AND HENCE NO MEDICINE SHOULD BE GIVEN TO CONTROL BP. MOST OF THE MEDICINES GIVEN TO CONTROL BP IS VERY HARMFUL TO THE BODY. LIFE LONG MEDICATION IS ONLY A MEDICAL SCAM. OR IT IS MERE IGNORANCE OF MODERN MEDICAL SCIENCE. CHOLESTEROL IS MAINLY PRODUCED BY LIVER AND MEDICAL SCIENCE HAS NO MORAL OR LEGAL POWER TO STOP ITS PRODUCTION. Why the heart attack is on the rise…. Its cause and remedy.. to be continued in next article. (PLEASE SHARE, GIVE VIDE PUBLICIY AND SAVE HUMAN TRAJEDY.)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:32:19 +0000

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