HOW DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PEOPLE WHO ARE ASSIGNED TO YOU AND THOSE ATTACHED TO YOU? Ill give you a quick and simple breakdown and then go read up on Joseph in the bible. Sometimes, its not good to share your dreams with everyone because God gave them to you and a lot of times people can steal your joy about it and slow you down. Maybe your dreams look unattainable to them, but God gave it to you, so you feel very confident about them, but their opinion could make you doubt yourself. Making your faith waver. When God calls you to do something sometimes it dont make sense. He trust you with it. He put that dream inside of you because He planned on helping you accomplish it. People who arent assigned to you can distract you. Someone ATTACHED rides your coat tail because they dont have guts to do it themselves and theyre not loyal. They will leave you in a second for the next better thing. They wont cover you and most likely will tell your business to anyone who wants to know. They usually push you to breakdowns and not breakthroughs bringing more chaos and confusion than peace into your life. They dont believe in their own dreams so they want to steal yours too. They are dream drainers and joy stealers. Someone assigned is someone God put in your life to remind you of where youre headed when it gets tough. Someone who has your back when its not popular to have your back. Someone who will believe in your dreams as if they were there own. Someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who loved you when you were invisible. Someone who prays for you daily and speaks life into your life. These people would ride with you in the bus and could care less if you never have a limo! meaning they love you for you and not for what you can give them or do for them.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:19:39 +0000

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