HOW I WISH GUTA STAY ON STRIKE FOREVER .................................................. Please before you start jubing me with your venom try and read my points carefully. As a serious advocate for made in Ghana goods and promoter of local SMEs I have this strong feeling that GUTA and her members form major part of our current economic turmoil. Their current strike therefore could be a blessing in disguise for the local industries. One major complain by the local industries in Ghana is ability to compete with foreign producers. Their products are not selling because of competition from foreign products and if you asked me I would tell you point blank that the operations of GUTA members are the major woes of local industries. GUTA has no controls over the operations of her members especially those who are engaged in illegal activities. They connived with their foreign partners to bring in cheap but decorated products to the country and make huge sums of profit on single container than a local manufacturer makes in a whole year. In fact sometimes they go the extent to woo some young entrepreneurs to their folk by convincing them that they could make quick money in the buying and selling than manufacturing their own products. Remember their name is traders union. May be we need to ask ourselves why their memberships have been growing over the years while membership of AGI is facing membership challenges. Before there is a trader there must be a manufacturer. When you go around their shops next time ask how many items there are produced here in Ghana? We all look unconcerned while people build huge shopping malls but nobody is trying to find out where therefrom the products to fill those shops. If wee restrict the activities of these traders to the sales of locally manufactured and cultivated products you and I know the volumes of jobs that will be for our teaming youth and its socioeconomic consequences. I am sure some of them are already feeling the heat of their own strikes than even those of us buying their products and believe me they cannot sustain the strike. I wish they could continue for a very long time to give relief to the local businesses. Look at what is happening to our local textile industries and tell me if its not caused by our own traders. We can take advantage of their democratic right and build a better economy since they contribute to what they call economic hardship for which they are on strike. We need to also boycott their goods and by the time they call off their strike we would all be consuming only made in Ghana products. GHANA FIRST By George E. Ekegey
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:16:08 +0000

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